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. . .

Jessica's POV

"Jessica honey!" The familiar voice of my mum calls out cheerily as she walks into 'my' room. "Hey mummy." I smile brightly at her as she sits down next to me. "I got you a drink." She smiles warmly as she passes me the drink. "Hot chocolate?" I question. She nods, "from Katie's." She says. "Awe, thank you." I smile softly before taking a sip. "She also sends her best wishes." My mum happily says. "Awe. Tell her I said thank you." I smile warmly. "Will do, love." She nods.

. . .

"Mum..." I mutter. "Yes?" She asks. "Something... I guess amazing happened." I say. "What?" She asks. "It's just, that we don't you to get mad, or anything." I sigh. "Who's 'we'?" She asks. "Me and Simon..." I mutter. "Why would I get mad?" She asks. "Because... I guess... We're kinda a thing." I mutter. "What d'you mean?" She asks. "We're I guess... Technically dating?" I say; questioning it myself. "You're dating your doctor?" She rhetorically asks. "Yeah... Kinda." I hum. "Well I mean, he's a good man. Well educated. Got a good job. He seems lovely. Very handsome, if I do say so myself-" "Mum!" "What? It's true. He is." She says. "I know, but still. What're you trying to say?" "That I'm happy for you both. A tiny bit weirded out. But, happy." She says. "Really?" I ask. A smile appearing on my face. "Mhm." She hums with a smile. 


Simon's POV

"I wanna go home." I whine as I sit next to Josh in the break room. "I know. Same here man." He sighs. "My shift ended hours ago." I huff. "So did mine, Simon." He mutters. "But, at the same time I don't wanna go yet." I sigh. "Because of Jessica?" He asks. "Yeah." I nod. "Then don't leave yet then." He says. "But I'm tired." I whine. "Stop whining, Minter." Josh huffs. "Calm down." I simply says. "I'm calm." He says. [I got a little rice in my palm...]

"What's wrong, Josh?" I ask. "What d'you mean?" He asks. "You seem, annoyed." I say. "I'm fine." He sighs. "Liar." I mutter. "Huh?" He hums. "I said liar." I say louder. "No I'm not." He says. "Well, you're lying saying that you're fine. You're not. What's wrong?" "It's nothing, I promise." He says. "Well," I sigh. "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." I say before standing up. "Thanks man." He mutters. "Anytime, Josh. Anytime." I smile weakly at him.

. . .

I look at the time on the clock: 6PM. My shift ended 4 hours ago. 

A sigh escapes my lips as I comb my fingers through my hair. "I wanna go home. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I just want my bed, some pizza and Netflix." I mumble quietly to myself. 

. . .

6:10PM rolls around. I just want some pizza, my bed and to watch something on Netflix. Like, it's not like I'm asking for much, is it?

"I'm going to see Jessica, and then go home. I'm too tired." I mumble to myself as I walk out the break room. 

. . .

6:15PM. Finally at Jessica's room.


Jessica's POV

Just as my mum is leaving for work, in comes Simon. 

"Hey Simon." I smile brightly. "Hello, ladies." He smiles back at us. He's such a gentleman. Bless. "Leaving already Faye?" He asks my mum. "Getting away from you really." She jokes. A chuckle escapes his lips, "I see." 

"Have fun you two." My mum smiles before walking out. 

. . .

"What brings you here, Simon?" I ask as he sits down next to me. "Just saying goodnight. It's the end of my shift." He says. "Oh." I hum. "I'll be back soon." He smiles. "When soon?" I ask. "Like, 2AM soon." He says. "Okay." I nod. "So, not long." He smiles. "Will you come in to see me straight away?" I ask. "If you want me to, dear." He says with a soft smile. "I do." I nod with a smile. "Then I will." He says. "Okay." I smile brightly. 

Kitten ➮ Simon Minter | Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now