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Hey hey hey~! I managed to get this done quickly and post it here, this is a Remake of my previous story 'The demon, The Angel and The one in between (though not literally)' and I'm hoping you all like the new version.

A blade gleamed in the dark.


A cry of pain resonated followed by the sound of a body hitting the floor.

It hurt.

"H-hurts..." a female voice whimpered.

The sound of footsteps came closer.

"If only you had let me get what I wanted, this wouldn't have happened." a male voice sighed with mocked disappointment.

He had been following the young girl, cornering her in an alley in an attempt to rob her clean.

She put up a fight.

He was the only one with a knife.

Now she laid on the ground, crimson liquid staining her clothes.

Her furry companion was nowhere to be seen to her relief.

"G-Go t-to... hell..." the girl weakly growled.

A foot stomped on her back, fighting back a cry she choked on her own blood.

"Aww poor little girl." the man cooed with a sick grin.

"I can't really leave you here alive." he shrugged raising his knife, the grin still on his face.

'Why...?' Was the only thing the girl could think, shutting her eyes just as the man plunged the knife forward.

But it never came.

Instead there was a gasp followed by the clatter of steel.

"I don't think so~" a new voice crooned.

Cracking her now dull blue-gray eyes the girl would have given a start at seeing a blonde haired male standing between her and the man who attempted to rob her.

His red eyes gleamed through his glasses.

"Who the hell are you!?" The man snarled pulling out another knife

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"Who the hell are you!?" The man snarled pulling out another knife.

"Who am I?" The red eyed male said grinning widely.

"What does it matter? You won't live long to know."

The man suddenly screamed, blood gushing out of the place where his arm use to be.

A rapier entered her hazy field of vision, blood dripping down the thin blade.

She found herself staring at a pair of red eyes filled with bloodlust and...regret?

"I'm so sorry, Yuna-chan." the blonde whispered quietly so that only she could hear.

Before she could ask how he knew her name her eyes landed on a charm clipped to his black scarf. Yuna's eyes widened.

She made that charm herself.

As a gift for her little companion.

"H-Hedgehog-san...?" she whispered weakly.

'Hedgehog-san's' eyes widened for a split second, before a small smile crept on his face "Clever girl." he chuckled slightly.

Then he turned his attention back towards the man, smile turning into a mad grin, eyes glinting with hate and a thread of insanity.

"Attacking Yuna-chan was the biggest mistake you could have ever made, you pathetic human." the blonde said walking forwards dragging his weapon against the ground.

The man tripped over his words, pleading for his life to be spared.

Ignoring the humans pleas the blonde thrust his weapon into the mans heart relishing his blood curdling scream before slumping forwards, dead.

Yuna coughed, spitting out blood as she did.

Hurried footsteps reminded her of the (now) human Hedgehog-san.

Arms gently cradled her against a firm chest, looking up she met with Hedgehog-san's eyes.

"Don't worry Yuna-chan, you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine..." the blonde assured.

It was a lie, Lawless of Greed knew, Yuna had lost too much blood and wouldn't survive a trip to the hospital.

He didn't mean to get so attached to this little human in such a short amount of time. He only meant to stay for a while an leave without letting the human know of his true nature.

But this human, Yuna managed to find a place into his heart so easily...

A weak laugh brought his attention back to the small girl.

"Y-You were a person t-this w-whole time...?" Yuna giggled weakly "T-That's so cool..."

A harsh cough brought more blood spilling out, swallowing Yuna smiled the best she could.

"I w-wish I could have k-known earlier to talk to you m-more."

Lawless swallowed the lump in his throat, this scenario painfully reminding him of a time long ago.

A blonde haired woman facing death head on with her head held high passed through his eyes, overlapping Yuna's smiling image with blood leaking out of the corner of her mouth.

'Never again!' Lawless grit his teeth, without thinking twice he bit his wrist and held it against Yuna's mouth urging her to drink.

Startled, Yuna swallowed the blood dripping from his wrists, feeling dizzy she hardly noticing the beginning of change her body was going through.

Blue-gray eyes faded into a blood red color, fangs began to grow and the bleeding finally stopped.

Just like her heart did.

Lawless let out a relived sigh when Yuna passed out. The stab wound was already healing itself.

Standing up with Yuna's body, he spared one last disgusted glance at the human corpse before jumping up to the roof of the building and disappeared.

Yuna's life as Greed's Subclass was about to begin.

And that's all for now! I hoped you all liked it, if your wondering why the contract chains didn't appear when Yuna recognized 'Hedgehog-san' it's because even though she gave Lawless an item she never gave him an actual name he was just 'Hedgehog-san' to her if that makes any sense (it does to me...)

Let me know what you guys think~!


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