The Lust Pair

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Here's the next chapter~! Time for Yuna to meet Misono and Lily


When Yuna woke up she found herself in her bed in her own apartment.

"I'm home?" Yuna yawned.

"Wait." scenes from the previous day flashed before her eyes.

"Kuro and Mahiru!" Yuna flung the blankets off her and ran out her room.

A sudden breeze brushed her legs Yuna made the motion of glancing down.

"Uh. I should probably change first." the subclass mumbled embarrassed looking over her pajamas.

She doesn't even want to know who changed her this time.


Now that Yuna was in her usual outfit she ran down the stairs to Mahiru's apartment.

*Knock Knock*

"Mahiru?" Yuna called.

There was no answer.

"Maybe he's at school?" Yuna crossed her arms.

"But what about the Belkia doll? Don't tell me he took it with him." she groaned.

'I guess I can wait for him to come back.' Yuna turned to walk up the stairs back to her apartment.

Once she arrived she unlocked her door and went inside.

She paused in her footsteps.

There were strangers in her living room.

A man with blonde hair that came above his shoulders with a pocket watch around his neck.

And a purple haired teenage boy sitting in a black and white chair (that she DEFINITELY didn't own) resting his chin on his hand.


"Tsk. It's about time you arrived. Yaguri Yuna. "

Yuna's eye twitched.

Ice gathered in her hand and she willed it away before the strangers could see.

Instead she grabbed the closest book she could find and threw it at them.


The blonde man immediately ducked while the boy flinched in surprise.

"H-Hey what are you-?"

Another book was thrown at them.


A few more books were thrown.


"I told you we should have waited by her door." the man smiled nervously.

"Well do something then!"

Yuna had just grabbed another book when a hand gently grabbed her wrist and plucked the book from her grasp.

"Let go!" Yuna tugged on her wrist.

"Easy there." the blonde haired man smiled kindly at her.

"It's okay." he assured.

"It's okay."

Yuna stilled at hearing the slightly familiar voice.

"Are you-?"

"Hm?" The blonde tilted his head.

"Are you the one from yesterday?"

"You remember?" The man said in surprise.

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