Unusual Hangout

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Sorry for the wait! School projects kept me busy!

Anyways, after this chapter it goes back to the manga-verse


Yuna stared up at the ceiling, absentmindedly flicking through the pages of her book.

"See you at Tetsu's" Misono nodded.

That was two days ago.

"We should give Misono some time."

That was what Mahiru suggested.

Still, Yuna felt uneasy. Misono hasn't even called or sent them a text and neither has Lily.

Come to think of it, the group didn't even see Lily anywhere at the mansion during their visit.

'Maybe I'm just overthinking things...' Yuna sighed closing her book.

It was quiet in the apartment.

A lonely type of quiet.

She missed Lawless and the others.

Yuna glanced outside her balcony window.

Maybe she could visit Mahiru and Kuro for a little.

Pulling out a phone she sent a quick text.



"Huh?" Mahiru checked his phone.

Kuro glanced at him before going back to playing his game.

Lazy cat he shook his head before glancing down at his phone.

Please open the balcony doors


"Yuna?" Mahiru mumbled but did as the text asked.

"Weird, why would she-GEK!" Mahiru jumped back when a small red figure appeared from above landed on the railing.

"Hi Mahiru," Yuna greeted, still standing on the rail, brushing imaginary dust off her skirt.

"Y-Yuna!? Get down from there before someone sees you!" Mahiru flailed pulling the young subclass into his apartment.

He didn't want anyone to assume that there was a suicidal teen living on her own in the apartment.

"Why didn't you use the stairs!?"

"Too long, too boring. The balcony was faster," Yuna waved off, pulling her hood down.

For a minute, Mahiru just realized that Yuna's been keeping her hood down around them for awhile now, meaning she was comfortable around them.

"So, what's up?" Mahiru asked.

"Feeling bored," Yuna shrugged.

There was something else in her expression that Mahiru couldn't figure out. 

"Well," he smiled "you can-"


Kuro quickly turned into a cat and jumped into Yuna's arms.

"Huh?" Yuna blinked.



'Not again...' Mahiru realized.

"I'm home!" Uncle Tooru shouted slamming the door open.

Startled, Yuna immediately pulled her hood up with one hand and clutched Kuro closer against her chest with the other.

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