Omake: DON'T flirt with Yuna

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Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, the next doesn't happen in the anime/manga which is why it's taking longer then usual (Gomenasai)

But here's another omake for you guys


Yuna was in a slightly confusing predicament.

It all began when she, along with Licht and Lawless had stepped out for a bit on one of Licht's free days.

They decided to go to the mall for awhile.

It was still sunny out so Yuna had to bring her umbrella to keep the sun away from her.

Licht and Lawless had told her to wait for them while they went to the restroom.

The subclass sat on a bench and waited for them when suddenly this random guy approached her.

He looked to be older then her by a year or two.

He seemed like a nice guy, starting a small conversation with Yuna.

Yuna talked to him for a little before deciding to see what was taking the Greed Pair so long.

She hoped they weren't fighting, the mall doesn't need a destroyed restroom.

And this is how the problem began.

"Where're you going?" The guy leaning closer to her with a glint in his eyes.

"Hm?" Yuna blinked tugging on her hood.

"I should get going." The subclass began to walk away from him.

"Hey now." A hand grabbed her shoulder.

The guy had a smirk on his face.

"Why not stay with me?"

"Sorry but no." Yuna shook her head.

"C'mon." The guy wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"No thanks." Yuna said looking at his arm.

Should she move it or wait for Licht and Lawless?

"It'll be fun." The guy pressed.

Yuna sighed "Sorry but I'm waiting for my friends."

"Forget them." The guy grinned "I can show you a really good time." (excuse me while I barf blegh!)

"Excuse me." A familiar voice said.

Yuna peeked through the guys arm and brightened up when she saw the Greed Pair.

"Licht, Lawless!" She smiled.

"What do you want?" The guy rudely asked.

"Can't you see we're busy?"

"Oh?" Lawless smiled yet there was something behind his smile that was different.

Licht was glaring at the arm around Yuna's shoulder darkly.

"I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Yuna-chan's with us." Lawless cheerfully clapped his hands together.

The guys scoffed "Tch. As-hey!" Yuna had ducked out of his arm and skipped towards the older teens.

"What took you guys so long?" Yuna placed her hands on we hips.

"Sorry Yuna-chan." Lawless apologized, patting her hood.

Licht kept him eyes on the stranger who was angrily looking at Yuna.

"Hey!" Yuna turned towards him in confusion.


"We're not done yet!" He reached his hand towards her.

"Actually," Lawless grabbed his wrist tightly, smile still on his face.

"You are now." The Servamp painfully squeezed his wrist.

The guy muffled his shout of pain and glared at the blonde.

"You little-!"

"Ne, Licht-tan."

"What?" Licht growled still staring at the guy who dared to get close to Yuna.

"Why don't you take Yuna-chan to some shops? I have something to...discuss with this guy."

Licht clicked his tongue, looking disappointed before gently grabbing Yuna's hand.

"Licht?" Yuna wondered.

"Let's go." He tugged her along.

"What about Lawless?"

"That shit rat will catch up to us later."

"I'll be there soon, Yuna-chan~!" Lawless waved with his free hand.

"You heard him."

"I guess so..."

"Do you want some new manga?"

"Really!?" Yuna clasped her hands together.

Licht nodded.

"Yay!" Yuna cheered.

The Eve smirked at her in amusement making Yuna laugh  sheepishly.

Yuna eagerly pulled him along, she didn't notice the look he sent Lawless as they made their way to the shops.

Lawless waved at them before turning back towards the guy.

His smile changed to a evil smirk.

"So," Lawless began pleasantly "What were you trying to do with Yuna-chan?" He tilted his head.

The guy struggled against his grip cursing at him.

"Let go damnit! I was so close!" He glared.

Lawless' smirk twitched.

"Close to what?" He asked.

"Like I'd tell you." The guy spat.

"Oh well." Lawless sighed.

His grip on the other's wrist tightened as he twisted it.

"I think I should show you what happens when you try to take Yuna-chan away from me." Lawless' eyes flashed before he dragged the guy out of the mall.


Hahahaha it's been a while since I wrote Licht and Lawless it was fun

Just to remind anyone, Yuna's fourteen years old same as Tetsu and Kisekio (the youngest in the cast hehehehe...)

Yuna's pairing poll is;

Misono: 3

Tetsu: 9

Only one more chapter left to allow votes to be casted so turn in your votes if you haven't already.

Don't forget to comment!


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