Lust, Envy and Love

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Hey guys! We had a snow day today and I am SO glad I was able to finish this today to post, this is the last chapter of the Alicien Arc which is why it's kind of short anyways,


Three days had passed since Tsubaki's subclass, Otogiri attacked the Alicien Manor and destroyed Lily's item.

"Over here!"

Those three days were chaotic.

"We need more ice!"

Lily and Misono were unconscious the whole time.

"Got it!"

Not only that but they, along with Lily's subclasses, and Dodo became sick those days.

"Kuro! Help pass out towels!"

Poor Kuro was balancing stacks of towels on his head in his cat form.

Mahiru was dashing around the place with his arms filled with more towels.

"And grab some snacks, a kid keeps crying!"

Kuro switched to his human form, exhaustion written on his face.

"I'm just a cat...suddenly everything hurts," the Servamp huffed transforming into a cat again.

Yuna sweat dropped.

A tick mark appeared on Mahiru's head.

"You lazy lying vampire! Move it!" He yelled.

"Meow!" Cat Kuro yelped scurrying off just as Tetsu came through.

"I got more blankets for the kids!" He said carrying several blankets.

Yuna nodded at the blonde as she created more ice to help bring the fevers down.

There was a bandage on the left side of her face were Lily hit her along with bandages on her neck.

She didn't notice the hand shaped bruise until Mahiru freaked out about them.

The brunette was a little worried about having her help out when she should have been resting instead until Yuna offered to create ice to help with the fevers.

Thankfully Misono had woken up earlier.

Lily however...


Mahiru has his lead out just in case with Kuro and Yuna next to him.

They were staring warily at the blonde Servamp.

"Good...morning?" A confused Lily greeted with a smile.

'He's okay' Yuna mentally sighed in relief.

Mahiru dismissed his lead.

"How do you feel Lily? Anything weird?" The brunette asked walking over to Lily.

"Not really..." Lily shook his head. 

He glanced at Yuna.

"Yuna? What happened to you?" He asked staring at the bandages in worry and concern.

Lily doesn't remember anything about losing control or attacking them.

Yuna touched the bandage in her cheek.

"I tripped," she answered sheepishly.

"Anyways," Mahiru quickly cut in to avoid further questions.

"I'm glad your okay, we need to check on the kids."

Kuro nodded seriously with a tired expression on his face.

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