Concert Trouble

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I'm back~! Told you I'd have the next chapter up soon!

All Might vs All for One messed me up *sobs* and his reaction to learning that Tomura is Nana's grandson!!   >_<

Dad Might is official now, he's adopted the precious green boi

Ahem! I needed to get that off my chest.



After leaving the Sloth Pair on the roof, Yuna went to the hotel the Greed Pair we're staying in.

It was a short reunion with Krantz and Gil before Lawless came back.

Which led to this;

Yuna sat on the couch with her hands on her lap as Lawless stood over her with his arms crossed.

It was like a parent scolding their child.

"So," Lawless began tapping his foot.

"You met big brother Sloth."

Yuna nodded.

"We thought he was a normal black cat at first until Mahiru found out, they didn't know I was a subclass at the time. I tried to keep it a secret," Yuna explained.

"How did they find out?"

"I saved Lily's uh, All of Love's Eve from getting hurt by Tsubaki's subclass and I had to fight him in front of them."

"You got involved in a war that has nothing to do with us! You should have called me the moment you found out about big brother Sloth!"

"But you would have brought me back!" Yuna frowned.

"Exactly! You were suppose to have fun in your old hometown not get involved in a war that had nothing to do with us!"

Yuna stood up from her seat.

"I had to help! Tsubaki's going to come after all the Servamps I had to do something!"

"You shouldn't be risking your life for their's!"

"We're all fighting together!"

"You won't be helping them anymore."

"Lawless!" Ice was spreading out from her boots.

"You're going to get yourself killed! Lawless' scarf seemed to move on its' on account, bristling like quils.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you will!"

"I'm fi-!"

"I can still smell your own blood on you!" Lawless finally yelled.

Yuna froze, staring up at him as his eyes filled with pain and...was that fear?

Lawless hugged her tightly.

"Lawless..." Yuna muttered, face pressed against his chest.

"Please..." Lawless whispered.

"I don't want you to die, not like her..."

Yuna stiffened, Lawless continued.

"Especially because of him..." Lawless spat the word out.

'But...they're my friend's' Yuna wanted to argue.

New friends that she got to know and hang out with.

Mahiru's hardworking personality and his preference for simple things.

Kuro's general laziness but fun moments like playing video games together.

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