Sleepy Ash and Trouble Part 2

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Back with Part 2 here~! Today you guys are going to find out who's the mystery character I added in, remember he's not an OC he came from another anime.

I'm debating on whether to follow the anime plot or the manga plot...

The anime was good but they left out a lot of parts that happened during the Manga like the issue with Misono's father and C3 with Tsurugi and Wrath.

I'm not sure yet I might go Manga route but anyways!


"Are you Kuro's friend?" Mahiru shouted.

The subclass laughed at them.  "The opposite! I hate that little cat!" He crossed his arms like an 'X'

He jumped down the lamp post and pulled out a sword, eyes flashing with his tongue sticking out.

"I'm just here to kill that damned cat. I'll skewer you if you so much as protect him." He pointed his sword at them.

'He's after Kuro?' Yuna realized 'Why?'

"Come on out Sleepy Ash! Like a vampire should. With bravado!" The subclass called with a cheery grin.

"Let's kill a lot and compete! He wishes for that as well-" The subclass got cut off by Kuro suddenly appearing and slamming his boot into the side of his face, kicking him into one of the shop window nearby.

"Kuro!" Mahiru called to him.

"What's going on here!?"

"For now-" Kuro began glancing at them.

"Let's run!" Kuro switched into his cat form and took off running.

"Huh!? W-Wait! Kuro!" Mahiru grabbed on to Kuro's tail and started to get dragged along with him.

Mahiru grabbed the back of Yuna's hoodie in an attempt to stop Kuro with the extra weight but he ended up dragging her with them.


The three of them came to a stop in an alleyway.

"Why are you running away?!" Mahiru asked, pulling on Kuro's tail.

"Let me go!" Kuro tried to pull himself away from Mahiru but the brunette had a firm grip on his tail.

Kuro then switched into his human form. "I can't face a crazy vampire like him. We have to run." He told Mahiru.

"You're a vampire too! You're the only one who can face him!" Mahiru protested.

"I don't know a guy like that..." Kuro said, standing up on his feet. "He's got nothing to do with me."

"My friend was attacked! If I leave that guy alone, he could be killed, along with everyone else! Someone has to do something!" Mahiru shouted.

Kuro still looked unfazed by Mahiru's shouting.

"What a pain. 'I can't do anything.' 'I don't have power.' 'Someone do something about this.' 'Someone, someone.' Everyone says it and I'd rather do that."

"Then run away on your own!" Mahiru said.

"Yuna, stay here!" He told her before running back to his friends.

"Your just going to let him go?" Yuna asked Kuro.

Kuro stared at her with a tired expression on his face.

"No power, no strength, no weapon and on top of that. He's human. We both know he's going to get himself killed." Yuna narrowed her eyes at the Servamp.

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