Her new life

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Sorry for the wait! Due to some circumstances in my school the schedule went all out of wack and it was challenging to find time to work on this chapter but here it is, I hope you all like it!


When Yuna first woke up she noticed three things.

1. Someone ( a pervert probably, she really hoped that wasn't the case) had removed her blood stained clothes and dressed her in a oversized black T-shirt and white sleeping shorts.

2. She was in an unfamiliar room.


3. she was still alive.

What's more is that the stab wound didn't even hurt anymore or rather...it disappeared entirely.

"Yuna-chan~!" A voice greeted cheerfully accompanied by the sound of the door being slammed open.

Yelping in surprise Yuna came face to face with Hedgehog-san who was standing in the doorway a wide smile on his face.

"H-Hedgehog-san?" Yuna blinked.

"Lawless." Hedgehog-san corrected.

"Lawless?" Yuna repeated confused.

"It's actually Lawless of Greed you can say it's my actual name." Lawless shrugged.

"Lawless of Greed?" Yuna asked feeling even more confused.

Who names their kid Lawless? Or Greed for that matter?

Lawless looked at her, eyes slightly narrowing in contemplation before giving a wry smile "Ne, Yuna-chan" he said.


"Do you believe in vampires?"

Yuna stiffened for a moment, the events of the previous day (or was it days? Week?) were coming back to her.

Remembering Lawless red eyes and the sudden appearance of his rapier...

Yuna glanced at Lawless. Finally noticing the fangs in his smile.

"Lawless are you-?"

"A vampire?" Lawless tilted his head.

Yuna slowly nodded "You are, aren't you?"

Lawless chuckled "Such a smart girl." he teased but Yuna could see the uneasiness in his eyes.

Was he afraid that she would suddenly hate him?

Yuna knows that Lawless had killed the man who stabbed her and he enjoyed doing it.

"Don't worry Yuna-chan, you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine..."

But when he said those words with that look in his eyes...

"I'm not afraid of you." she unexpectedly blurted out.

Lawless blinked and looked at her, Yuna felt herself blush.

"I-I mean so what if your a v-vampire? That doesn't mean I'm sacred of you or anything-!" Yuna stuttered gripping the blanket sheets.

Lawless could only look at her with wide eyes before letting out a laugh.

"Yuna-chan's really amazing isn't she?"

It was more of a statement then a question.

Before Yuna could reply Lawless continued.

"But you'll eventually come to hate me once you realized something..."

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