Unwanted Memories

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Here's the second chapter like I promised!

We all know what happens in this chapter...


"Will all of Neptune's great ocean wash this blood clean for your hand?" Lawless quoted as he and Kuro fought.

"No, this, your hand..." He expertly wielded his rapier while Kuro didn't even have his claws out.

Lawless stabbed his rapier right through Kuro's hand.

"Will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine."

Blood trickled down Kuro's hand.

"Making the green one red." Lawless ended with a cruel grin.

Kuro's expression was a mix of anger and fear.

Anger at Lawless.

Fear of Mahiru finding out that he...


"Aha! Scary eyes big bro!" Lawless laughed.


Lilac's shaking was getting worse with the sound of the fight.

Yuna rubbed his back in an effort to calm him down.

She wanted to stop the Servamps from fighting each other but that would mean leaving Lilac.

Lilac froze.

Yuna looked up and saw Mahiru wall by their row, clutching his lead.

He was shaking a little but he was also determined.

And Yuna?

"Lilac," she said gaining his attention.

Frost creeped up her arms.

"Will you be okay on your own for a little?"

Lilac sniffed before nodding.


Mahiru clutched his lead tighter as he made his way to the fighting brothers.

He had to stop them, he's the only one who can!

"Hey," a voice said from behind him.

Mahiru quickly turned around.

"Yuna?" She looked upset, there was frost on her arms and some on her cheeks.

"Need some help?"

Mahiru's eyes widened before suddenly feeling grateful.

"Yeah," Mahiru placed his hand on top of her head making her look up in surprise.

He knew that she probably blamed herself for letting things get out of hand but it's wasn't.

"Thanks," he smiled patting her hair.

It's okay, this isn't your fault

Yuna's eyes widened before she gave a small smile.

"No problem,"



'For them to be at each other's throats...is this about the vote?' Mahiru thought feeling more assured now that Yuna was with him.

Who was is they had to kill?

And why is it affecting Kuro so badly?

"KURO!" Mahiru shouted.

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