Decisions Decisions

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Hi guys! I know it's been awhile since I updated ( I'm preparing for college) but reading your comments never failed to make me smile 😊

Season 3 of My hero academia is hitting me right in the feels 😣


"What...?" Mahiru looked at the two brothers in confusion.

Licht scoffed, grabbing Yuna's hand.

"We're leaving," he tugged her along towards the edge of the roof.

"Hey...what's with you three-eh!?" Mahiru sweat dropped when he saw where Licht and Yuna were.

"Stop wait up!" The brunette grabbed onto the raven's leg.

"What are you doing!?" Yuna took a step back.

"Hands off demon lover..."

"That again!?"

This is worse than what Yuna could have imagined, eyes darting between the two pairs of boys.

"We need help to fight Tsubaki!" Mahiru tried to explain.

"What's a 'Tsubaki'? A flower?" Licht asked.

Mahiru blinked before turning to look at Yuna.

"D-Don't look at me!" She stuttered, cheeks turning pink.

No way was she going to tell them about Tsubaki!

Too late now...

Two pairs off eyes stared at her, one in disbelief and the other curious, in Licht's glare like stare.

"They...don't know anything," Yuna muttered playing with her hair.

"WHAT!?" Yuna winced.

"Then why did you attack us!?" Mahiru yelled turning his attention back towards Licht.

"Don't need a reason to attack a vampire," Licht clicked his tongue.

"After all..."

'Oh no...'

"I'm an angel" Licht did his signature pose.

"Yes an angel!" Hedgehog Lawless chirped running past his legs.

"You shut up!" Licht stepped on him.

"Eep!" Yuna squeaked, kneeling down to free the poor Servamp.


Mahiru was feeling exhausted.

"Can you knock that joke off already?" He sweat dropped.


"I'm sorry!"

'Now I know where Yuna learned how to glare like that...I'm bad with guys like him, I don't get them at all...'

But he had to try.

"Please, have to help us! Tsubaki might hurt your Servamp next!" Mahiru explained, hoping that the older boy would listen.

"Do you know..." Licht started to look slightly interested now.

"How to kill a vampire?"

"Huh?" Out of the corner of his eye Mahiru could make out Lawless jumping out of Yuna's hands and transforming into his human form.

"Well uh, you break the item you give them...and they lose their powers."

"Good. Then I can kill this damn rat." Licht scowled.

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