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Here's the chapter!
I've been getting headaches lately which kept me from working on this chapter so I made this chapter longer

Things are starting to heat up


Yuna shifted on the bed, trying to get some more sleep.


"Hm?" She cracked an eye open, checking the time.

6:00 am


"Licht?" Yuna sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Her eyes widened in panic when she spotted the Eve on the floor near his bed, panting harshly.

"Licht!" Yuna jumped out of bed.

"What's wrong!?" His face was pale and he was clutching his chest.

"Law-!" Yuna turned around expecting to see the hedgehog on her pillow.

But he wasn't there.

" shitty rat?" Licht growled.

Yuna looked around the hotel room in case Lawless was sleeping somewhere else.

She didn't find him anywhere.

In fact neither Licht nor Yuna saw him for the rest of the night.

Was he in his room?

"Damnit," Licht cursed before pulling out his phone to call Krantz.

"Krantz...where's that stupid rat? Is he in his room!?" Licht asked.

Yuna quickly went to the bathroom to change into her regular clothes.

"I don't...feel so good..." (I'm having flashbacks to IW ^^;)

Lawless isn't in his room.

And if he's not there...

"Yuna!" Licht knocked on the door.

"Yea-ah!" Yuna just barely caught the older teen before he hit the ground.


"We're going."

"Going where? You should lay back down!" Yuna said helping Licht stand up.

"You figured it out too right?"


"That stupid rat isn't here."

Yuna's breath hitched before she nodded.

The subclass grabbed her umbrella.

"Let's go,"


Both walked slowly (staggering in Licht's case).

Licht was leaning against Yuna as they walked.

"Anything?" Licht asked.

Yuna closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She couldn't find Lawless scent anywhere.

"Nothing," She sighed.

"The sun's up," Licht noted glancing at Yuna with a hint of worry.

Yuna pressed her lips together.

"I'm not leaving you by yourself," she said gripping his waist a little tighter.

"Besides I have my umbrella with me, I'll be fine."

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