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Blegh! I'm so sorry this took long to write I have a lot of school projects to do I haven't had time to properly work on this.


"Ngh..." Yuna shifted before cracking her eyes open.

The subclass was lying on a couch in some sort of lab.

She slowly started to sit up.

A hand gently pushed against her back to help.

Yuna rubbed her eyes "Kuro?" She said.

Kuro gave her a single nod and removed his hand.

"Where are we?" She asked looking around.

"C3." Kuro answered with narrow eyes.

Yuna gasped.


The ones who gave an order to the Servamps.

An order that hurt Lawless and caused him to hate Kuro with every fiber of his being.

"Why!?" Yuna demanded.

Kuro looked away for a moment before placing a hand inside his jacket.

A crumpled letter was in his hand.

"You-You didn't give it to Mahiru?" Yuna asked.

"No, I didn't want anything to do with C3 again. I hate this." Kuro sighed.

Yuna surveyed the room again.

There were papers scattered around a desk and a messy chalkboard.

"Wait. Where's Mahiru?" Yuna remembered.

"I don't know." Kuro shrugged looking mildly angered.

That was new and in a worrying way.

"Wherever he is, he's too far away from me."

Too far...

Kuro and Mahiru were apart from each other.

"The distance limit!" Yuna gasped.

"Yeah." Kuro nodded grimly.

"We have to find him!" Yuna stood up.

The subclass rushed to a metal door.

It slid open.

A tall man with messy hair stood in front of her.

The strange thing about him was that he had three pairs of glasses on him, two on top of his head and a pair on his eyes with cracked lenses.

"...Yo...kid..." he spoke slowly.

Yuna immediately backed away from him and hid next to Kuro.

She felt Kuro lean forward as if to keep her out of sight.

"Shy...isn't...she?" The man tilted his head.

"What do you want?" Kuro glared.

"Easy man, we...just want to...talk."

"But first, Tinker." He called out.

"Here!" A young woman with long blonde hair wearing a welding helmet replied appearing out of nowhere.

She was carrying several bowls of instant ramen with her.

"Anyone hungry?" She laughed.


Kuro and Yuna stared at the two people sitting across from them warily.

Yuna picked at her noodles as Kuro slurped down some of his.

Life as a Subclass of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now