Mahiru's Lead

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Hi~! Back here with a new chapter!

So, Mahiru learns to get his lead and Yuna bonds with the twins and the other subclasses.


"Goodness. I am amazed by your laziness." Misono looked at Cat Kuro with an unimpressed look, setting his cup of tea down.

"You haven't even given your Eve a weapon...I suppose that's expected from the Servamp of Sloth."

Cat Kuro was curled up on the table next to his untouched tea cup.

Yuna sat next to the feline with her own cup of tea in front of her and a small plate of cookies.

The subclass preferred hot chocolate but the tea was good.

Mahiru paused, his tea cup still in hand and he looked at Misono with confusion.

"Huh? A weapon?" He switched his gaze to Kuro. "Is there something that Kuro is suppose to give me?"

"What's the point in having a weapon?" Kuro closed his eyes.

"So Mahiru won't get himself killed?" Yuna supplied eating a cookie.

"Hey! What's that's suppose to mean?"

Kuro rolled over his back with his legs up.

"Here. You should just be soothed by my form."

"Like hell we would!" Mahiru and Misono shouted angrily, a sweat drop visible on both their heads.

"Kawaii~!" Yuna scratched behind his ears.

"Oi, Yaguri/Yuna don't fall for it!" The Eves yelled.

"I still don't know much about vampires, but there are things that I want to protect. I don't want to regret doing nothing..." Mahiru glanced down with an unsure expression.

"Do you need a weapon?" Human Kuro asked, resting his chin on his arms.

Yuna's hands were still in his hair.

"I do if it's the power to protect others!" Mahiru replied, eyes determined.

Yuna smiled and she gave Kuro a look.

Kuro let out a sigh, "Close your eyes" he instructed.

"Huh? W-Wait a second!"


"Explain things first!"


"What are you planning on-?"


Brown eyes immediately closed and Mahiru's head slumped forwards.

Thankfully his head didn't slam against the table.

"How long is it going to take?" Yuna asked.

"That depends on what Shirota chooses." Misono said.

Feeling something nuzzle her hand she looked back.

She was petting Kuro's hair without realizing it.

"Oops." Yuna took her hand away.

"Sorry." She could have sworn Kuro was pouting.

"Nee-chan!" Two voices called from the door.

"Mari, Yuri." Yuna smiled.

The went towards her and grabbed her hands.

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