Omake: Lawless' new name

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I decided to do some omakes for scenes I wasn't able to put in because there wasn't anywhere to place it and it would disrupt the flow of the chapter.

I hope you'll enjoy them!

"I've been wondering..." Yuna said, watching Gil (now in a blue whale costume) hold hedgehog Lawless up by the neck and kept Licht away by placing him next to Yuna (Krantz and Gil saw how the Greed Pair seemed to fight less with Yuna around)

"What is it Yuna-chan?" Lawless asked.

"What's your name this time?" Asked a curious Yuna.

Lawless had once told her not to bother calling him by the name his current Eve would give him. When Yuna asked why he simply told her that they would always keep changing.

Yuna didn't know what he meant by change until she saw it happen first hand.

Lawless had formed a contract with a play director before switching to Mina Valor.

He was an okay Eve until Lawless got bored of him.

"L-Lawless?" Yuna stared at the blonde in shock. his Eve lying on the ground in front of him, unmoving.

He was dead.

At first Yuna was nervous to be around Lawless after seeing that. So she decided to ask why he killed his Eve.

Lawless looked hesitant and unsure, emotions Yuna would rarely see on his face but he told her anyways.

That's when she learned about Ophelia.

A princess Lawless once made a contract with.

A person he fell in love with.

A person who decided to die for her kingdom and inspired many of her people.

And then Lawless cried after telling her, the memories he kept away were being brought up again.

Yuna felt tears growing in her eyes watching him cry.

She hated it.

Yuna immediately hugged him, arms tightening when she felt shaking hands desperately clutch the back of her sweater.

"-una? Yuna!"

Yuna flinched when Licht nudged her she hadn't realized she spaced out.

"Sorry." she apologized rubbing her eye.


To her amusement Lawless faintly blushed and looked away the best he could with Gil holding him.

"I-It's kind of embarrassing." he mumbled.

"Really?" Yuna grinned "I remember some other names you've had in the past."

"Never speak of it!" Lawless squirmed from Gil's grasp and scampered up to Yuna's leg placing his paws against her stomach.

"Oh?" Licht smirked, arms behind the couch.

"Sadly I can't tell you." Yuna shrugged "Once an Eve dies the Servamp's current name dies along with them."

"I still don't want to think about it!"

"Licht. What's his name?" Yuna asked holding a struggling Lawless down with one hand.

"Don't tell her Licht-tan!" The hedgehog pleaded.

"Hyde." Licht grinned.

Lawless wailed in despair.

"Hyde? Aww that's adorable Lawless!" Yuna giggled nuzzling the hedgehog against her cheek.

"It is not!" Lawless wiggled out of her grasp and switched into his human form.

He plopped down on Yuna's other side and crossed his arms, pouting childishly.

"Aww c'mon Lawless!"

"No way!"

Yuna pouted "Licht he's being mean to me!"

Licht glanced at Lawless and with a smirk he placed Yuna on his lap, petting her hair like the first time they met.

Lawless stared at them, eye twitching once.

"Don't concern yourself over that shit rat." he told her.

Yuna leaned back against his chest kicking her feet up a bit.

A tick mark appeared on the Servamp's head.

"Okay enough of that!" Lawless yanked her out of Licht's lap and placed her in his wrapping his arms around her and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Ah." Yuna blinked still processing what just happened.

"You Shit Rat." Licht growled.

Lawless stuck his tongue out.

Licht's eyes flared and he lunged at him.

Lawless quickly jumped back with Yuna in his arms.

"Oi!" Licht yelled chasing after them.

Lawless ran away laughing.

Yuna giggled from her place in his arms.

'Hyde' she thought about it.

It's a cute name.

Hahahaha! This was fun to write 😆

I just realized that the Greed Trio all have at least two different hair colors

Licht: Black and White

Lawless: Blonde and Black

Yuna: Brown and Red

Should I pair Yuna with Misono or Tetsu? I kinda already had a pairing in mind but I was reading the manga and these pairings came to me

What do you guys think?

Don't forget to comment!


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