New Eve New Predicament

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Thanks for the comments last chapter! It motivated me to finish this one so arigato! *bows*

The picture up top is the outfit Yuna now wears after becoming a subclass, look familiar~?


~Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest-~


"Hello?" Yuna greeted answering the call.


"Hi Lawless." Yuna smiled, not that Lawless could see it but he probably knew anyways.

"How's it going with Licht?"

There were some banging sounds coming from Lawless' side and someone yelling 'Shit Rat!'

"L-Lawless?" Yuna sweat dropped.

"It's fine it's fine." Lawless assured.

"I'm guessing Licht already knows by now?"


"How did he take it at first?"

"He was absolutely pissed at first."

"That's new." Yuna blinked.

Most Eves would cower in fear first.

"Now he's determined to kill me."

"A-And you're okay with that?" Yuna twitched.

Actually she should be more worried about Licht.

"Of course I'm okay! Nothing I can't handle." Lawless laughed.

"Anyways, I think I've left you alone long enough. Sorry about that Yuna-chan."

"It's fine."

"I'll let Angel-chan and Krantz-san know that you'll be coming, okay?"


Then Lawless ended the call. Yuna grabbed her bag.

She hoped Licht would like her.

With Lawless

"What!?" Licht glared at him while Krantz looked interested.

Lawless nodded "Yup~! My subclasses Yuna-chan and Gil will be arriving soon, you two remember what subclass is right?"

"A lesser type of vampire who serve Servamps, correct?" Krantz answered.


"More demons?" Licht scowled.

"Rude Angel-chan, I'll have you know that Yuna-chan is quite the opposite of a demon."

"She's still a vampire, rotten hedgehog."

"You'll change your mind when you meet her~"

A boot came flying at him.





Yuna suddenly shivered as she covered her head with her hood.

'That was...weird.' Yuna thought walking to the park to meet up with Lawless.

The sun was beginning to set, it was dark enough for her to be outside without getting hurt.

Servamps, would revert to their animal forms if they were in the sun. **Subclasses would slowly start to burn the longer they stayed out in the sun.

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