Sakuya's Revelation and Yuna's Descision Part 2

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Part 2's finally done! And it's pretty long.

Sorry if the fight scene sucks, I can imagine them well in my head but then it's hard to write it out


"Kisekio!" Yuna growled struggling against his hold.


"Get off!"

"Aww but why?" Kisekio pouted.

"I have to find-"

"Your friends right?" Kisekio chuckled getting off.

Yuna quickly stood up and tried to jump to the next roof.

A sword blocked her way.

"I don't think so~!" Kisekio smiled.

'Great.' Yuna mentally groaned.

Now that Yuna thought about it Sakuya was perfectly fine in the sun when they first met.

But how?

She glanced at Kisekio and internally sighed.

"How was Sakuya able to do it?" Yuna reluctantly asked.

"Do what?" Kisekio raised a brow.

"How was Sakuya able to go out in the sun without dying?"

"Oh that." the greenette laughed.

"It's one of the many benefits of being Tsubaki's subclass, unlike others we're allowed to go out in the sun and blend in like regular humans." he explained.

"Your friends not bright is he?" Kisekio tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"He really didn't have the slightest hint that Sakuya was a vampire? The eyes were a dead giveaway" he sighed.

"And yet he was able to figure you out."

Kisekio looked at Yuna and saw her pale face.

"Oh ho? Don't tell me..." He smiled in delight.


"Don't you dare!"




Kisekio laughed and ducked to avoid being cut by Yuna's sharp claws.

"Kyahahahaha! He doesn't know!? He doesn't know! Kyahahahah!" Kisekio laughed in glee.

"Shut up!" Yuna swiped at him.

Kisekio jumped again.

A slash mark appeared on his shirt sleeve.

"Oh? Nice one." he mused looking at the rip in his sleeve.

"I don't have time for you!" Yuna yelled turning towards the direction of Mahiru and the others.

"Are you sure you wanna head over there now? Everyone will know"

Yuna paused and turned back towards Kisekio.

He smiled innocently at her.

"What do you think they'll do, I wonder?"

Yuna tensed, gripping her hands into fists.

"Would they still accept you...?"

"Hey Yuna, why not come over my place for a little?"


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