Back to Japan

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Hi~! Wow I feel like I'm getting faster at posting more chapters (and that kinda worries me...) anyways Yuna's going back to Japan~! I'm so excited!

P.S Sorry for the short chapter


"EHHHHHHHHH!?" Lawless and Licht (surprisingly) shrieked in disbelief.

"J-Japan?" Yuna stuttered in shock.

Yuna did enjoy traveling to new places for Licht's concert but at the same time she had been feeling homesick for awhile...

Krantz nodded crossing his arms.

"That's right, the two of you have been getting more out of control then usual and tend to drag Yuna in the middle of it."

"B-But to send her to Japan!?" Lawless cried.

"A-Actually." Yuna said getting their attention. She smiled sheepishly and apologetically.

"I have been feeling a little homesick lately. I-I wouldn't mind going back home for a little." she admitted playing with her sleeve.

"That settles it then." Krantz said walking off to prepare Yuna's flight.

"Yuna-chan!" Lawless threw himself at her.

"You aren't serious are you!?" Lawlesss gripped her shoulders.

"Oi, don't touch her." Licht grumbled.

"W-Well it's not such a bad idea, I do miss home." Yuna muttered avoiding eye contact.


"Please?" Yuna was looking at him pleadingly.

Lawless froze.

Yuna had unleashed her most deadliest weapon of all.

The puppy dog eyes.


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"Licht-tan." the blonde glanced out of the corner of his eye. He winced.

Licht was staring at Yuna, frozen and blushing like he was.

"Lawless." Yuna tugged on his shirt.

Lawless gulped, twitching.




"F-Fine! You can go!" He yelled covering his eyes.

"Really!?" Yuna beamed looking at Licht for confirmation.

"Y-Yeah." Licht rubbed that back of his neck.

"Yay!" Yuna gave each of them a hug before rushing of to her room to pack.

Licht and Lawless stared that the spot she was in.

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