Omake: How Kisekio knew Yuna's name

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Don't mind me I'm currently working on the next chapter but here's another Omake


"Come again?" Tsubaki looked surprised.

"This girl." Sakuya said "She didn't have the smell of normal human."

Tsubaki looked away in thought.

"Ahahahahahah! Not interesting at all." he said before walking away.

'Seriously?' Sakuya thought annoyed.

'What if she could be a danger to Mahiru?'

"So..." Kisekio jumped on Sakuya's back making him grunt.

"What's this girl like?" He asked tugging on Sakuya's cowlick.

"Get off!" Sakuya shoved him.

"So mean." Kisekio pouted.

"Well" Sakuya started putting away his headphones.

"She's probably your age, well depending on how long she's probably been a subclass and she's kinda short."

"Your just freakishly tall-" Kisekio paused replaying the beginning of Sakuya's explanation.

"Say that again." he leaned forward.

"What?" Sakuya was confused.

"Say that again." Kisekio repeated.

"Uh-she's kinda short-?"

"No the one before that, at the beginning."

"She's probably your age?"

Kisekio smiled widely "Kyahah! That's the one!" He laughed.

"What's the point?" Sakuya asked.

Kisekio didn't pay much attention to other subclasses so for him to be suddenly interested in Yaguri Yuna was new.

The lighter greenette simply chuckled.

"Don't you see?" He teased wagging his finger.

"If this girl's possibly a subclass then things are going to be way more fun! For me at least." Kisekio smirked.

It's about time he's gotten a proper playmate.

"Now I just need to know her name." Kisekio hummed.

Sakuya snorted.

"And how are you planning on doing that? You don't even know what she looks like"

"But you know her name. You've met her." Kisekio smiled innocently.

"I won't tell you." Sakuya looked away grinning slyly.

"What!? Why!?"

"Were would the fun of that be?" He snickered.

"Go stalk her if you want to find out."

This time it was Kisekio's turn to smirk.

"I'm sorry, but don't you stalk that human friend of yours?"

Sakuya blanched. "S-Stalk Mahiru!? I don't stalk him! I just make sure he gets home safely without letting him know I'm there." Sakuya denied.

"Stalker." Kisekio mocked whispered.

"You little-! Fine! Her names Yaguri Yuna. Happy now?" Sakuya stomped off.

"Thank you~!"

"Go to hell!"

Kisekio merely giggled.

"Yaguri Yuna." Kisekio smirked.

"I can't wait to meet you~! Let's have fun shall we?"


Sakuya actually does stalk Mahiru here;

Sakuya actually does stalk Mahiru here;

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Heheheheh the joys of a Yandere 😆

So the poll;

Misono: 2

Tetsu: 5

Wow Tetsu's a popular choice!

Don't forget to comment!


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