Sakuya's Revelation and Yuna's Descision Part 1

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Hey guys~! This chapter was too long so I decided to split them apart again.

And before I forget, Happy Birthday AngelRoseCat! 🎂 🎉


~Few days later~

"Awaken my power!" Mahiru called with his arm in the air, palm up.


"Pfft..." Yuna was shaking.

"Quit laughing Yuna!"

"Ahahhaha! I can't help it!" Yuna wrapped her arms around her stomach.

The book (manga) she was reading lay on the floor where she was sitting next to Kuro.

"Wh-What-hahahaha-are you posing for!? Hahahahaha! A-Are you-hahahahaha trying to become an anime character!? Ahahahahahahah!" Yuna gasped out between laughs.

Lily chuckled at her explanation and Misono was hiding a smirk. Even Kuro looked amused from his spot next to her, playing his video game.

"Shut it Yuna!" Mahiru's face was red.

"Why won't it come out!?" He said, frustrated.

"You'll have to be able to pull it out whenever you want, before you can even start learning to fight." Misono said sitting on his chair.

Yuna had already figured that his chair could be his lead.

How else could he make it appear out of nowhere?

"That'll take awhile." Yuna hummed.

"Good luck Mahiru!" She waved at him.


"Kuro is there some kind of trick to this?" Mahiru asked.

"Call me once you can pull it out." Kuro replied looking up from his game.

"Kuro, your character's losing."

"Aw crap."

"You guys are no help at all!"

"Mahiru-kun, why not try and create an image of exactly why you wanted power?" Lily smiled, leaning forward a little from Misono's side.

"Exactly why?" Mahiru was confused.

"Your Servamp lacks motivation because you lack resolve." Misono explained.

Cat Kuro was on Yuna's lap playing away on his video game.

"Ohhhh I get it now." Yuna laughed.

"Mahiru, you have trouble summoning your broom because you're not in an actual life or death situation. Your resolve isn't strong enough because there's no danger, even though you want to bring out your weapon it's like your subconscious restrains it from being summoned because you're in no actual danger." Yuna explained smiling with her eyes closed.

"That's pretty accurate." Misono blinked.

"So, Lily tries to strip because you want to be released from something?" Mahiru sweat dropped.

"Misono, you're not some closet stripper are you?" Yuna tilted her head to the side.

"Sh-Shut up Yaguri! A-And that's just his predisposition!" Misono pointed to an already stripping Lily with sparkles around him, blushing slightly.

"Exactly why huh? Because I want to protect others. Everyone in my reach...Like my friends. I've thought of them as family since I was little. I don't have parents, so the feeling might be stronger than other people." Mahiru looked at his hand.

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