The Greed Pairs Punishment

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I didn't expect to have this out so soon but I'm glad I was able to XD


It was a normal day. Licht was relaxing in his hotel room after a concert, Lawless was at his part time job, Gil was doing...whatever it is he does during his spare time, Krantz was organizing Licht's next concert and Yuna?

Yuna was bored.

Very bored.

"So booored!" Yuna groaned laying upside the couch. The brunette had finished reading some books (mostly manga) and didn't know else to do.

Licht was taking a short nap and Yuna didn't want to bother him.

The sky was beginning to darken so Yuna would be able to go outside but she still had to wait just a little more.

Yuna sighed, blowing a piece of hair out from her face.


Ah now she's hungry.

With a whine she flipped over the couch, brushing her skirt and adjusting her stockings she went in search of Krantz. He should have been done by now.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in."

Yuna opened the door. "Yuna." Krantz smiled closing his laptop.

Yuna smiled "Hi Krantz."

"Is there anything you need?"

Yuna fidgeted, flushing slightly.

"W-Well I was wondering if you could take me to that bakery we passed by the other day, please?" Yuna asked.

"Of course." Krantz smiled "I wouldn't mind getting some macarons myself."

Yuna brightened up "Really!?" She asked.

Kranzt nodded looking amused. 

"Yay!" Yuna cheered.

She tugged on his arm and led him out the door making Krantz chuckle at her antics.

Unknown to the both of them, as they were leaving. Lawless was just returning from his part time job and Licht would soon wake up from his nap.

It would just be the two of them.

In the hotel room.


Without Yuna, Krantz or Gil.


Yuna tugged on her hoodie. Pulling the hood over her head as she and Krantz walked towards the bakery.

Most people would be creeped out at the giant eyes and wide smile but Yuna loved it.

Lawless had given it to her to as a gift, she always took good care of it.

"You always pull the hood over your face." Krantz chuckled.

Yuna blushed "Y-Yeah I'm kind of shy around people I don't know, I'm already use to you guys." she explained referring to Krantz and Licht.

"I'm glad to hear that." Krantz smiled gently.

Yuna smiled before spotting the bakery they were looking for.

"There it is!" She ran towards it with Krantz following at a moderate pace.

The bell on the door chimed and the smell of cookies and cake filled the air.

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