A Boy and his Cat

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Well there's a snowstorm going on, school's been cancelled, so I thought, 'why not make another chapter?' And here it is~!

We're finally at the start of the Servamp plot I'm so excited~!


Yuna liked her new apartment. It had three rooms, a bathroom and a connected living room and kitchen with a table in the kitchen area.

Humming a little tune, she walked into one of the rooms deciding that it would be her new room.

To her surprise it was already set up.

The bed was on one side of the room, against the wall and there was a large bookcase filled with her Manga collection.

"I guess Krantz thought ahead." Yuna muttered, yawning.

The one thing she dislikes about travel is the jet lag.

She laid down on her new bed snuggling into her pillow.

'A nap wouldn't hurt.' she sleepily thought 'I'll buy the groceries later.' and with that she drifted off to a small nap.


Yuna woke up half an hour later and got ready to buy some stuff for the kitchen.

She remembered passing by a super market with Sakuya as he walked Yuna to her apartment.


There was something...off about him, his scent was different then a regular humans scent.

'Maybe I'm just overthinking things.' Yuna thought while playing with her umbrella.

Yuna was so occupied by her thoughts that she accidentally bumped into a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

She flushed and stammered out a 'sorry' tugging on her hood and quickening her pace.

'He wore the same uniform Sakuya was wearing...'


"Okay, I think I'm good." Yuna nodded looking over the many bags with her.

She was in the lobby looking over her groceries and thinking on how she was going to get all of them to her apartment.

Despite her enhanced strength there was too much for her to carry on her own.

A person walked passed her knocking over some of her bags.

Yuna let out a small growl as the stranger continued walking without looking back.

'Jerk.' she glared and kneeled down to pick up her stuff.

"The girl from before..." she heard someone mumble causing her to look up.

Red met with Brown.

'It's that boy.'


'Oh god she heard me!' Shirota Mahiru internally panicked.

Mahiru recognized her as the girl who accidentally bumped into him earlier.

Her hood was up, hiding most of her hair but two sections of her hair from both sides were loose, laying across her chest. Her bangs were also exposed revealing to be a dark brown color with some red in the tips and some in her bangs.**

The girl quickly looked back down and resumed picking up her fallen groceries.

Being the mature person that he is. Mahiru decided to help her.

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