Recovery and Explanations

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I'm sorry this took awhile to complete! This is kinda my own chapter

It takes place after Mahiru spoke to Sakuya again


Yuna let out a small wince when she moved her shoulder as she laid on her bed in her pajamas.

The injuries on her shoulder and near her collarbone had healed somewhat but not completely and it still hurt.

It's been three days since the small fight with Sakuya and Kisekio.

Three days since her friends learned she was a subclass.

Three days since she last spoke to any of them.

Her phone beeped.

Yuna sighed and picked up her phone, looking at the screen.

She had several messages.

Yuna how are you doing?

Kuro's also wondering about you.

Are you still hurt!?

Yuna...? Please answer... -Mahiru

H-Hey Yaguri, Shirota's told me you haven't been answering him.

Mary and Yuri are worried for you, Lily too.

I...never got to say it but, Thank you for saving me

Oi Yaguri...-Misono

Yuna? Please answer the twins and the others are worried about you.

Have you healed yet?

Does it still hurt?

Please let us know, we want to help you.-Lily

Yuna couldn't bring herself to reply to any of them.

"Damn." Yuna pulled the covers up, ignoring the pain this time.

"Don't...worry about me..." Yuna muttered before falling asleep.


Yuna was woken up a few hours later by knocking coming from her door.

She sat up, yawning and rubbed her eyes before getting out her room.

Yuna was half asleep when she opened the door.



Mahiru sighed seeing no reply from Yuna.

It's been three days now.

Mahiru was worried about her.

"Nothing?" Lily asked.

Misono and Lily came over to ask about Yuna. Apparently she wasn't responding to their messages either.

"No." Mahiru shook his head.

"What a pain." Kuro sighed.

But even Mahiru could see that he was worried for Yuna.

"That's it!" Misono slammed his hands on the table. 

"Misono!?" Mahiru jumped.

"If Yaguri's not answering our messages then we'll just have to go to her ourselves." Misono scowled stomping off.

"Wha-Misono, wait!" Mahiru called out after him.

"Oh dear." Lily sighed.

"What's wrong with Bastard-chan?"

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