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There were some personal problems going on along with writers block which is why this took longer than I had hoped.


Few days ago


"Shut up, that's creepy."

"I can't help it Angel-chan! We're finally in Japan!"

"Did you even tell Yuna we were coming?"

"Nope! I wanted it to be a surprise!"

"They only thing she'll be surprised about is you still being alive."

"Aww you know you love me,"


Red eyes glinted as he adjusted his glasses.

'Don't worry Yuna-chan we'll be there soon~'


"Tsh!" Yuna sneezed (cutely was everyone's thought).

"Blegh," she rubbed her nose to stop the small itch.

'I wonder if someone's talking about me...maybe it's Kisekio,' Yuna shuddered slightly.

"Hey! Buy me some chips!"

"The next song is mine!"

"I shall sing the chorus!"

"Hugh, you have another tambourine don't you?"

'Oh boy...' Yuna glanced at an annoyed Mahiru while sipping on her drink.

She scooted a little more to the side, just in case.

"Get us drinks Mahiru! Cola for me" Kuro said to the brunette while raising his empty glass.

"I'll have a coffee please," Lily smiled.

"Orange juice my good man," Hugh added holding a small mug with a picture of an elephant on it.

"YOU LAZY VAMPIRES! GET IT YOURSELVES!" Mahiru yelled with a tick mark.

"Guess I'll do it," Tetsu sighed getting up.

"You? No thanks..." Kuro waved his hand.

"Last time you got me green tea bleh..." The bluenette said with a slight sweat dropped.

"Tetsu forgets things a lot. Odd fellow." Hugh commented.

"That explains losing a coffin," Yuna sweat dropped.

"Mahiru fix this thing!" Misono panicked, finger above the Karaoke touch screen.

"Guys we're here to work!"


"You never have a plan when it comes to these things," Misono scowled glaring at Mahiru.

"Well...I just think that simple is best..." the brunette rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"We need all seven Servamps,"

Yuna tensed at that.

Which didn't go unnoticed by the other Servamps.

"But we need to move against Tsubaki now...or we'll lose again," Misono frowned glancing at Lily who was staring off at nothing.

Even with the new pocket watch Misono had given him Yuna would catch Lily spacing off or in a daze more and more.

"We should follow or capture one of his servants to find his home base and what his plans are." Misono suggested.

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