Apperance of a Violent Angel?

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There's a LOT of snow here not that I mind but it's still a lot hehehe...

Anyways this chapter takes place half a year before the events of Servamp takes place meaning that Lawless is with his American actress Eve before meeting Licht at one of Licht's concerts.

P.S at the bottom of the chapter I included Yuna's profile which I forgot to include in the beginning of the story


-3 months later-

"M-Ms. Valor p-please calm down!" A middle aged man dressed in a suit frantically pleaded.

"Calm down? Calm down!? How can I when this rehearsal was a complete disaster!" A dark haired woman raged. "Why must all those actors be so incompetent?" She snarled banging her fist against the table.

"Y-You know they're trying." the man tried to explain.

"They need to try harder! They need to do better!" The woman snapped before storming off into her own room, the man frantically following her.

"Ms. Valor please wait! Ms. Valor!"


The door slammed shut the man in the suit, Ms. Valor's manager let out a pitiful whine before pulling out his phone and left the hotel room.

Leaving behind the two occupants who were sitting on the couch during the whole ordeal.

"...I don't like her."

"Aww~ how mean of you, Yuna-chan!"

Yuna lowered the book she was reading away from her face and puffed up her cheeks.

"But she's...mean! And rude too!" She huffed making Lawless laugh.

Yuna adjusted to her immortal life easily with Lawless and met Guildenstern or Gil another one of Lawless' subclass.

She also learned that all of Lawless usual Eves were either actors or musicians, he had a thing for the arts, especially theater since he would often quote Shakespeare.

Right now his current Eve, Mina Valor an American actress, was busy filming a new drama series with other 'second rate actors' as she would call them.

Yuna didn't like her. She might look kind and sweet on camera but when she wasn't on the media she was a different story altogether.

Mina was a cold, haughty and arrogant woman who looked down on others who were below her in fame and popularity, she didn't even spare aspiring actors a second glance and would mercilessly give them crude remarks any chance she got for any mistake they made no matter how small it was.

When she formed the contract with Lawless she merely considered him for his power, believing that she could easily use him to get whatever it is she wanted. There where times when she'd try to order Yuna around but wasn't allowed to since Yuna was technically Lawless' servant not hers.

'Why did Lawless have to choose her as his new Eve?' Yuna wondered while flipping to a new page in her book.

A finger poked her cheek.

"Hey Yuna-chan." Lawless called.


"I'm bored."

"Go outside." Yuna suggested.

"The sun's out, I'll just be an adorable hedgehog."

"Then find something else to do until the sun sets."

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