Eve of Envy and Letter of Importance

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Hi guys! So, this is from the Manga I decided on manga route there's more in them then the anime (I own volumes 1-8 so I'll be able to work on then easily)

Plus, I may have gotten sidetracked by watching Boku no/My hero Academia (season 2 here I come!)


"This...isn't going like I thought it would." Yuna blinked, watching Mahiru swing his lead around.

The Sloth Pair and Yuna were at a park at night. Mahiru invited her along as he decided to practice with his lead.

It was a couple days after the talk between them and the injuries Yuna received from Sakuya had already completely healed.

The one from Mahiru's lead took a bit longer though.

Mahiru kept apologizing for that until Yuna threw a pillow at him and told him it was okay.

"I had a feeling it wouldn't." Kuro told her playing on his game device as he sat on top of a slide.

"HYAAAH!" Mahiru yelled trying to swing his lead around.

It kept twisting the opposite way though.

"C'mon, obey me..." Mahiru groaned trying to swing his lead again.

'Okay, I can't keep watching this anymore.' Yuna stood up from her seat in the swings and walked towards the frustrated brunette.


Something cold poked Mahiru's shoulder.

"Huh?" Mahiru looked up.

Yuna smiled and waved her clawed hand at him.

"W-Whoa!" Mahiru jumped back a bit making her laugh.

"Is that your weapon?" Mahiru asked, remembering how the hoodie wearing girl used it during the fight between Sakuya and Kisekio.

"Well, it's one of my weapons." Yuna scratched her cheek with her claw.

Mahiru stared.

'Isn't it cold? And doesn't it hurt?'

"One?" Kuro looked mildly interested even though he was still playing his game.

Yuna nodded "Remember those ice spikes from last time?"

"Yeah." Mahiru nodded.

"That's just one of few." Yuna giggled slightly "I have control over ice and snow and I can shape it into anyway I want, as an offense." Yuna brought her claw up.

"Or for defense." And small dome of ice appeared.

"Wow..." Mahiru gasped in amazement.

"Now then." Yuna took a few steps back.

"Ready Mahiru?"

"For what-?"

"Here I go!"

"Ack!" Mahiru just barely dodged a sudden swipe to his face.

"What was that for!?" Mahiru exclaimed.

"You can't just swing your lead around as a way of training. You're going to need someone or something to train with, so I'm going to help you." Yuna placed her claws in her sides.

"R-Really?" Mahiru looked hopeful.

Yuna nodded.

"Get ready!" She ran at him.

'Fast!' Mahiru found it hard to dodge her attacks managing to escape by an inch.

'She's not even fighting me at full power and yet...' Mahiru grit his teeth, eyes showing determination.

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