Imprisoned Alice

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I'm really sorry this took a while to get out I was busy with stuff

I'm planning on writing some individual chapters that take place during the three days after Mahiru visited Misono again

I gave Lily's subclasses names if anyone's wondering with the random names popping up

And school started so, yeah ehehehehehe...


Yuna never would have thought that she would actually get to meet Misono's father, she pictured him as a strict and stoic father. 

This however,

"Look! His first day at school! Awww! His bag was too big, how cute!" Mikado gushed pointing to another picture of Misono.

Is not what she had imagined.

Poor Mahiru and Kuro were forced to look at Misono's pictures while Tetsu and Yuna played with the kids.

Yuna still made sure to listen in on the conversation between Mahiru and Mikado.

The kids were having fun as Tetsu lifted them up one by one into the air.

"Higher!" Momo squealed.

"Careful Tetsu!" Yuna laughed holding Aki's hand.

"I know," the blonde nodded.

"Nee-chan," Aki tugged on her hand.

"Yes?" Yuna smiled bending down to his level.

"Is Onii-san your boyfriend?"

"Wh-What!?" Yuna's face turned red.

"Is he?" Ruri jumped up with an eager smile.

"N-No! Of course not! We're just friends!" Yuna frantically waved her hands.

How they came to this thought Yuna didn't want to ask.

"Are you sure~" Both kids leaned up looking at Yuna suspiciously.

"Completely sure! Right, Tetsu?"

But the blonde didn't answer.

"Tetsu?" Yuna turned to look at him.

Tetsu was starring at Mikado with narrowed eyes.

Yuna soon became aware of the sudden tension in the room.

The brunette was standing up from his seat looking at Mikado with a firm stare.

"Please, let me see Misono."

"It's too late Mahiru. Misono is my only kin." Mikado sighed.

There it is again, they're speaking as if Mikuni doesn't exist.

"But what about-?" Mahiru began.

"The party's over, if you stay..." Mikado said.

Dodo came forward, spinning his car keys on his finger. "Need a ride?"

"I'll ensure you regret it." Mikado smiled.

"Mikado-san." Yuna called out.

"Yes? Yaguri Yuna, right? Lily's told me how you protected Misono. You have my gratitude." Mikado said giving her a grateful bow.

"But you should know as well how dangerous this situation is for Misono...and also for yourself. You and Misono are still children despite your classification as a subclass. A war is much too dangerous for either of you to be a part of." Mikado said.

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