Kuro and Lawless

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Hello! Wow! College is really different from High School!

Ehhh sorry if the title sucks

Anyways I don't have much else to say right now so


"These are...vampires!?" Mahiru looked at all the ash with disbelieving eyes.

"I told you, you should have left," Yuna muttered brushing off some dust from her dress.

How could she be so calm about this!?

"You two did this!?" Mahiru asked the Greed Pair.

"Nope!" Lawless corrected "Just me!"

"A few did escape though..." he hummed.

Yuna let out the smallest flinch before gripping the bottom of her dress.

'No way...The subclasses were ready to attack...but Lawless killed them all? Talk about overkill' Mahiru gulped.

"Ahem!" Licht cut in loudly.

He glared at Lawless.

"Could you stop interrupting, you damn rat?" he scowled as he stood up from the piano bench.

"I had to attend to some unruly guests," Lawless smirked.

"You should thank me!"

Licht lunged, aiming a kick towards him.

"Die!" He shouted destroying the ground beneath him.

Lawless easily dodged.

"Oh no..." Yuna groaned quietly staring at Licht.




"Behind you!"

Lawless was right behind Licht.

"Hey that's no fair Yuna-chan!" Lawless laughed.

"Here! I! Go!" He grinned before kicking Licht.

The Eve went flying towards the wall destroying the concrete with a loud 'boom'.

Mahiru gasped in horror feeling Yuna brush his arm as she ran towards the older boy.


"Licht!" Yuna cried.

The Eve was stuck against the hole, unmoving.

Yuna grabbed his arm and started to pull but he didn't even budge.

"Dear me! My Lil' violent Angel won't stop!" Lawless smiled in what appeared to be absolute glee.

"What are you doing?! Eves are human, you know!" Mahiru shouted.

"Aw, relax!" Lawless waved him off "Eves aren't as weak as regular humans."

Yuna pulled harder to free Licht.

"Besides..." Lawless' glasses glinted.

Finally she managed to pull Licht free who slumped against her.

"If he's gonna die that easily, I don't want him around."

He's still alive, Yuna knew that.

It'll take a lot more to kill Licht, if Yuna had to pick she'd say he's the strongest Eve.

"So..." Lawless began "What brings you here?"

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