Leads and Control

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Sorry for the wait! Vacation ended and I had school, I would posted this earlier but I wasn't feeling well (Gomenasai)

I hope you all like this chapter, by the way how do you guys manage to put two pictures in the media? I've been trying to figure it out but I don't know how


Lawless was pouting at Angel-chan who refused to let him sleep with Yuna-chan.

"Angel-chan. Let me go to Yuna-chan." Lawless whined.

"Hell no!" Licht growled, as an Angel Licht could not let the rotten hedgehog sleep with someone like Yuna.

Licht figured it out now, Yuna was an Angel like him, cursed by that demon.

It was his responsibility to look out for his fellow Angel and break the curse that held her tied down to the stupid hedgehog.


A sudden scream interrupted their mini argument.

"Yuna-chan!?" Lawless whipped towards the direction of her scream in alarm and immediately ran towards her room.


When he reached her room, the Servamp quickly slammed the door open (I just realized that I'm always having Lawless kick/slam the door open, oops ^^;) and ran inside.

"Yuna-chan! What's-ack!" He suddenly slipped on something slippery and fell flat on his face he winced, placing his hands on the floor in an attempt to push himself up.

'Ice!?' He gaped when he came in contact with something cold then he noticed the light snow that was apparently falling in the room.

"W-What? H-How-?"

Ice covered the floor in a trail spreading out through the floor, his eyes followed the beginning of the trail which seemed to begin at Yuna's feet.

No, Lawless realized not began at her feet, but began from underneath Yuna's feet.

"L-Lawless." Yuna stuttered catching his attention.

Her arm was encased in ice trapping her against the window.

"H-Help." she weakly pleaded tugging on her arm.

Forgetting about his confusion, he quickly stood up (being careful about the ice) and pulled out his rapier.

"Hold still." he advised her "I'm going to break you out."


The ice shattered into multiple shards falling on the floor.

Yuna sighed in relief, rubbing her now free arm.

"Yuna! I heard that-oh my..." Krantz and Licht were by the door looking wide eyed at the state of the room.

"Krantz, Licht." Yuna blinked.

"W-What happened?" Krantz asked in disbelief.

Yuna looked around the room. The snow had finally stopped, covering everything in a thin blanket of snow.

"Uh, I don't really-"

"There's ice growing underneath your feet!"

Yuna quickly looked down in shock, ice was spreading directly from her black boots.

"E-Eh!? W-Wait. No. S-Stop!" Yuna panicked.

The ice stopped growing.

Yuna slumped over in relief before yelping as she was suddenly picked up by the waist and carried out her room.

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