Chapter 16

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October 20th / Thursday

When the last school bell rings I quickly grab my textbooks and hurriedly walk out the classroom, heading straight to my locker. It's only 2 PM but I already feel mentally and physically exhausted. It's like this long boring day is never going to end.

"Look at you, Liza! I haven't seen you in a week and you're looking like a completely changed person!" Gabbie appears out of nowhere as I close my locker.

"Oh, I missed you too, Gabbie!" I turn around to hug her. "Are you feeling better now? You were supposed to were come back yesterday. What happened?"

"I had a doctor's appointment and couldn't make it." She waves her hand, annoyed by the fact that she actually needs to take care of her health. That is my cue to stop pushing the topic any further.

"And what do you mean? I'm the same as last week." We start walking to the exit. "I don't think that a person can change in such short period of time."

"You know what I mean. You had a date!" She whispers like it's a secret, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows and earning herself a pointy look. "Who are you trying to lie? I knew it from the first day that you two cuties liked each other. So could you please stop being such a weasel and just tell me how was it?" The last few words are said with such a loud and squeaky voice that a few people turn to look at us with scared impressions on their faces. I already know Zane told her everything that's why I decide to tease her a little more.

"We ate, talked and took a walk. I guess you can say that it went fine." My shrugging shoulders make her frown, almost angry.

"Liar! Spill it out!" I'm afraid that if she grits her teeth a little more they are going to break while her eyes are going to jump out of their sockets and start chasing me down the street.

"The pizza we ate was delicious, we talked a lot and about everything and the view from the beach was amazing."

"Liza! Don't be like that! Do you want me to beg?" Her sad puppy eyes are doing their magic every time and she knows it. Her stare melts my fake strong facade and at the end I can't help myself and smile. "Why are you torturing your best friend?" She sits on a wooden bench and points to the empty space beside her. "Tell me now!"

"Ok, just calm down." I sit down and she smiles victoriously. "He took me to this awesome..." She shakes her head. "What?"

"I already know the beginning, Liza. I want to hear the end." She rubs her hands, a mischievous grin appears on her face. I simply roll my eyes.

"We kissed." I say quietly and she gasps. "But you knew about that too, right?" She nods way too enthusiastically and squeals loudly. A few people passing by give us weird looks. Again. "Then why did you make me say it?"

"I just wanted to hear it from you. So... Was it good? How did you felt? Is he a good kisser? Are you two together now?" The sudden waterfall of completely logical questions which I haven't thought about till now, catches me unprepared. But just because Gabbie's gaze is drilling a hole into my head I manage to shrug my shoulders again, causing her excitement to fade a little. I had a great time, it was the perfect date to be honest. He made me laugh, he made me a surprise and the kisses were... They were... "Use your words, girl!" My best friend's squeaky voice takes me back to reality.

"I... I don't know what we are. We haven't really discussed those stuff." I sigh and look down for a second.

"Do I have to teach you everything?" She rolls her eyes dramatically and scoots closer to me. "In order to get an answer to something you first have to ask the question." I really hate when she thinks she has to explain things to me like I'm a 4 year-old. "It's simple - you two just have to talk and figure those things out. And soon! And if he breaks your sweet little heart, I swear I'm going to do something... Something extremely awful to him and it's going to be ugly and nasty! I don't know what exactly, but it's going to be very, very painful!" She suddenly looks so serious in her threats that the giggles just come out of my mouth.

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