Chapter 24, part 1

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October 30th / Friday

I hear the phone ringing as I put the final touches on my make-up. I quickly stand up and take it out from my backpack.

"Are you ready, princess?" David says in a deep voice that makes me suppress the laughter bubbling up my throat.

"Be there in a second, Charming!" I hear him laugh before he hangs up.

I put on the most comfortable, but sexy high heels I could find in my mom's closet and take one last look in the mirror. The dress he chose for me fits my body perfectly and I'm really surprised that I actually feel very comfortable wearing something like this. It's creamy colour complements my skin tone, the fine lace one the upper part flows delicately down where the rest of the fabric falls freely. But the back of the dress is my favorite. Is is cut in half, a long piece of the lace used to hold the two parts together, like a corset, showing a decent amount of skin. To say it's gorgeous wouldn't be enough.

My hair is more curly, part of it secured on the back of my head with a pretty bow in the same colour as the costume. I found a fake tiara in one of the boxes with things from my childhood that my mom still keeps in the garage and finished the fairytale look with it.

The door bell rings and I quickly take my purse. I make my way downstairs, trying hard not to fall on my face, because of the high heels. I open the door and my eyes almost jump out of their orbits as I see David in his "charming" costume. It's a simple black tuxedo with a tie in the same colour as my dress. I Can he be more handsome? He looks me from head to toe with a grin on his face and slowly spins his index finger in the air. I smile and slowly start turning.

"I want every day to be Halloween, so you can dress like that." He says and lets out a loud sigh. Our eyes meet and he grabs my waist, pulling me for a kiss. "I think I made a huge mistake buying you this costume."

"What do you mean?" I frown my eyebrows.

"I have an extremely hot girlfriend and I don't want anybody staring at her." He kisses me again, a little longer than before. "I just want to have you all for myself." He whispers and I feel warmth on my cheeks. I still don't understand how easy he can change my skin tone with only one simple sentence. He sees my embarrassment and kisses me one more time. "I'm sorry, Liza! I did it again, didn't I?"

"Yes you did!" I say and he chuckles. "And that's why we are getting in the car right now!" I smile, taking his hand and start dragging him towards the car.

"Sorry for the ordinary ride." He says as he opens the car door and I look at him with confusion. "I had to take my mom's car for tonight, because the carriage wasn't available. The horses were hungry." He shrugs and I burst out laughing.


When arrive at the school's parking lot, it takes David over 10 minutes to find a free spot. After he parks the car, we get out and start walking towards the main building. There are carved pumpkins with different facial expressions, fake skeletons and spider webs everywhere. There are orange lanterns hanging from the trees, throwing soft light on the ground. If it wasn't for the scary theme, it could've been pretty romantic. As we come closer to the entrance, I see Gabbie sitting alone on a bench, looking at her phone. I slightly squeeze David's hand and point at her. He turns his head and smiles when he sees her.

"Go! I'll wait here!" He says and pecks my lips. "I hate letting you go!" He whispers as we pull away. I roll my eyes and walk over to Gabbie.

"Hey, why are you alone? Where is Zane?" I sit beside her and she lifts her head. Her mouth opens a little and her eyes immediately widen.

"Oh! My! God! Liza!" She stands up, covering her mouth. She takes my hand and pull me up with her. "When I told David that you don't have a costume for tonight, I didn't picture he would pick something like this for you! You look..."

"Absolutely amazing!" David appears behind her and Gabbie turns around. "What do you think... Ummm... Tinkerbell?" He says, standing next to me. I don't miss the possessive way his hand is holding me, his body pressed close to mine, like he's marking his territory.

"You did a very good job, Charming!" She smiles, clapping her hands. "You are so going to win the contest tonight."

"Well, we'll see about that!" Suddenly Zane, or should I say Peter Pan, appears from nowhere next to her, wrapping his hands around her waist just as possessive as David.

She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. I've never seen her so truly happy before. She is really in love with Zane and by the way he's looking at her I can say the same thing for him. Everybody knew that they've liked each other since freshman year, but I guess they were too scared to admit their feelings. So the fact that this year they finally ended up together, wasn't exactly a surprise to anyone.

"Guys, what are you doing out there? The party is inside! Let's go!" Scotty shouts, sticking his head from an open window and I jump a little.


"This party sucks big time!" Zane shouts, sitting next to me and I cover my ear. "The music is shitty and there are no food or drinks left. Also, I'm pretty sure that my Math teacher, Mr. Robinson is hammered and it's only 9:30." He says and we burst out laughing.

But he has a point. Since we got here, none of us has actually done something more than staring at the others and talking about their costumes.

"Are you suggesting something?" Scotty shouts from across the table and Zane grins, nodding his head. Suddenly the music stops and we hear a loud squeaky sound, coming from the microphone. I look at the stage and see my English literature teacher, dressed like a nun.

"Trick or treat?" Ms. Parker says, but everybody stay silent. She clears her throat and the microphone makes that squeaky sound again. "I hope you are having a good time tonight..." Zane groans beside me and I giggle. "...but as you know every good thing must come to an end. We've asked you to vote for the best Halloween costume and this year we actually have two winners!" With the corner of my eye I see Zane shifting in his chair and reaching for Gabbie's hand. "And the first prize for this year's best Halloween costume goes to..." She makes a small pause. "... Liza and David, the Prince and Princess of our school." My eyes widen as I hear my name and I glance at David.

He looks just as shoked as me, but quickly shakes his head, a big smile covering his face. He takes my hand as he stands up, dragging me with him through the crowd. I can feel the thousands of eyes staring at me and immediately blush, lowering my head in embarrassment.

All my life I've been avoiding moments like this when I'm the center of attention, the main attraction, but I guess it's too late to turn and run away now. Large crowds of people terrify me, I always think that I will make a fool of myself by saying or doing something stupid. That's the main reason why I chose to make my videos on-line - the computer screen can't stare at me like those students are doing right now.

"Congratulations, guys! You win a dinner for two at "The Olive Garden"!" Ms. Parker gives David an orange envelope and everybody cheer again. I manage to smile and say a quick "Thank you!". She smiles back at me and turns forwards again. "And that's not all. Since you've been on your best behaviour tonight, we decided to take you on a little trip." The room instantly fills up with noise. "There will be more information soon! Thank you all and don't forget that you have only half an hour left for partying! Don't waste it!" As soon as she finishes her speech, we walk back to our table.

"I knew you two are going to win!" Gabbie shouts and hugs me. "It's like I'm a psychic."

"Yeah, yeah! Good job, dudes!" Zane rolls his eyes, patting David's shoulder. "Now, who wants to go to a real party?" He smiles and everyone on the table cheers. "Then get your fancy costume asses moving and let's go! You have 15 minutes to get to my house or I won't let you in!"

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