October 14th, 2015 / Wednesday
"Are you coming to school today? I haven't seen you in four days and I miss you like crazy." I say to Gabbie as I walk towards David's car. She coughs in response and I sigh. "So, I assume that's a ""No"!"
"I'm staying at home till the end of the week. I'm so sick that I can't even go to the bathroom to take a shower. I stink and I hate this! And if I see another bowl of chicken noodle soup I swear I'm going to kill myself in public!" She tries to laugh, but ends up coughing again. "But I've heard something very interesting about you!" Her sing-song voice doesn't promise anything good.
"And what is that, Gabbie?" I sit in the car and David mouths "Hi, princess" to which I roll my eyes and he simply smiles.
"Now that I'm home you have a private driver. Is it true?"
"My car broke yesterday, ok?!" I put my seatbelt on and David drives off. His hand rests on the shift and I'm strangely attracted to the idea to pull it over mine.
"Yeah, yeah! I aleady know it's true, so don't try to deny it. Zane told me. Are you guys like..."
"Friends?" I quickly cut her off, hoping David hasn't heard anything. It would be incredibly embarasing if he know that me and my best friend are discussing him and whatever there is between us two.
"That's bullshit and you know it, Liza! It's so obvious that you like each other! Why don't you just admit it already?" I sigh. How can I admit something if I'm not entirely sure about it? I shake my head, but remember she can't see me.
"Gabbie, I have to go now. Call me later, ok?" I successfully dodge the question. At least for now.
"Whatever. I have to tell you something exciting too and I want it to be in person, so you have to wait until I get better. But we are so not done with this conversation!" She hangs up and I sigh.
But she has a point though. As always! I have to find out how I really feel about David. But how exactly should I do that? Make a list with pros and cons? That can take a while. I mean, I do enjoy spending time with him. He is funny, smart, sweet, he makes me feel...
"Ummm... Liza!" David runs his fingers through my hair and I feel chills go down my spine. I look around to realize that we are already at the parking lot. "You have been silent for a while. Is everything ok?" I nod still a little confused. "Is Gabbie feeling better?" Who? Oh, yeah, my best friend. I so wasn't thinking about you, I swear.
"Unfortunately, no. She will stay home till the end of the week." I say and see how his face lightens. "Oh, what is it now?" I say annoyed that he's already grinning. He takes my hand, making the tickling sensation in my stomach to errupt. I kind of like this feeling.
"I will have you all for myself for the rest of the week. Or maybe forever?" He leans a little closer, whispering to me.
"Come on! We have school, you weird psycho stalker!" I say and open the door to avoid whatever was happening in the car. It's working, because he laughs loudly. We get out of the car and go inside the building.
"What are you doing for lunch today?" He says, casually leaning on the locker next to mine as I take out the books for my first class.
"I'll eat my lunch in the cafeteria like I always do. Why do you ask?" I grab the last textbook and close the locker. He takes them from my hands, making me raise an eyebrow. Another smooth move, I assume. We start walking to the classroom.
"Can I have lunch with you? Will you share your precious time with me, my lady?" I roll my eyes at him and he grins, already knowing what the answer would be.
"If you are a fan of almost expired and highly overpriced tasteless food, sure. At least I'm not going to be alone like a total looser." He shakes his head in disagreement.
"You are not a total loser." I smile, but his next word immediately erase the smile of my face. "You are the princess of the losers!"
"Oh, thank you! You made me feel much better!" I sarcastically say and take my books from his hand. "See you later, psycho!" He loudly laughs before blowing me a kiss, but he earns just a pointy glare as walk in the classroom. I hear his laugh from the hallway again and can't help but to smile to myself.
After a several boring hours of even more boring classes, the bell rings and I make my way to the cafeteria. It's pizza day and it feels like the whole school is here. I manage to buy a slice and find an empty table. As I take the first bite, David scares me by showing up out of nowhere.
"I almost dropped my pizza because of you!" I almost yell at him when he sits next to me. "And I love pizza more than my life, so you are one lucky guy."
"Yes, I am." He nods with a big smile on his face. "Is it actually that good?"
"It's a little cold, but I like it anyways." I take a bite and smile too. Suddenly he bends over the table and also take a bite, making me widen my eyes. "What the...? No! That is mine!"
"I have eaten much better pizzas." He sits back on the chair, looking like he's chewing а sole shoe.
"First of all, what part of "I love pizza more than everything" you didn't understand?" I put the slice on the plastic plate in front of me. "And second, that wasn't something that a gentleman would do. It was very rude." I make a grumpy face, turning my back on him.
"Liza, I was joking!" I cross my arms in silence. I hear a creaking sound behind me and assume it's his chair. David's hands slowly slide around my waist and he pulls my chair closer to his, so I end up sitting between his legs on his chair. The intimate proximity of his body He put his chin on my shoulder and his grip tightens.
"I'm sorry! Don't be mad, Liza! I will make it up to you!" He says with a soft voice and a little part inside of me instantly melts. But I will hold my ground for as long as I can.
"Have dinner with me. Friday night." I look at him with the corner of my eye.
"I know a place by the beach that has the most amazing pizzas I have ever eaten. I think you will like it too." I sigh and I can feel him smiling. I'm not going to give up so easy.
"And maybe after that we can go for a walk and watch the sunset by the ocean. If you are into cheesy stuff like me of course!" I can't hold it any longer and a little laugh escapes my lips. "Did I mention that I also like your laugh?" I shake my head and sit back on my chair, facing him.
"I have a question about the dinner?" I say with a serious face. He smiles and nods. "Is it like a... Ummm... A date?" I say the last word very slowly and quietly. His cheeks became slightly red.
"Do you want it to be?" I blush. "If the word makes you anxious, we can call it whatever you want."
"A date sounds good, I guess." I say and take another bite of my pizza.

First Love (David & Liza)
Fiksi PenggemarJust a cliche high-school love story... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "What is more romantic than this?" I say, spreading my hands, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. The cold raindrops hit my skin, creating lazy rivers down my face and neck. I...