[1] ♡ Karma x Shy!Fem!Reader: Opening Up

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(A/N): UPDATE 2021! i changed LOTS of things to this book, so some of these comments are dated sorry abt that

"But Mr. Asano! I've been keeping my grades up and they have been improving!"

"I don't care. Your grades are far below my standards. You are being moved to the E class and that's final!" He screeched as he put his hand to his face.

"Okay...sir..." I quietly said as I walked away. A tall man with spiky black hair then approached me.

"Follow me."


He lead me to a small one story building made out of wood and
introduced me to a big yellow creature.
"Hello! My name is Koro-sensei and I will be your teacher!" He said while staring at me. His face just creeped me out.

"You are to assassinate him." The man, I learned his name was Karasuma, said.


"Now class, we have a new student. She may be different-"

"Like Ritsu-San?!" Sugino yelled out while his hand was raised.

"No, that's not the type of 'different' I was saying. Anyway, you are to treat her like any one of you! Any bullying will have consequences!" Koro-sensei said with a strict voice.

"Can I ask something?" A yellow eyed red head said while sitting back in his chair with his usual smirk.

"What is it Karma?"

"So the student is a girl, you say?" Karma said, his smirk getting bigger.

"Yes, in fact, here she is now!" Koro-sensei said as he pointed to the door. (Y/N) stepped sideways in a bit, in a very awkward manner.

"N-no need to be shy, it's alright." He said as he lead (dragged) (Y/N) inside. She stepped in front as everyone stared at her. She was getting really uncomfortable and minor anxiety.

"Isn't that (L/N) (Y/N)?"
"She was in the B class before right?"
"Why is she here? In the E class?"
(Y/N)'s head spun as she heard whispers around the room about her.

She leaned on Koro-sensei's podium as her hand was on her forehead. Silently groaning.

"(Y/N)-san, are you alright?" Koro-sensei said with concern.

"Mhm, I'm alright." (Y/N) as she got back up. Ignoring the pain in her head.

"H-Hello..umm.." (Y/N) said as her face suddenly got bright red.

"CUTE!!!!" Almost all the boys yelled out.

"She's so cute!"
"Again, what is she doing in our class?"
"I don't know, maybe her grades dropped. Considering she was in the B class, and now she's here."
"She's cuter than you in a dress, Nagisa!"

(Y/N) then started to feel uncomfortable again, her anxiety kicking in. She didn't really know what they were saying, she only heard 'she' and 'her'.

All of a sudden, she ran out of the room. Tears falling out of her eyes.

"Eh...not again..." Koro-sensei said with a sweat drop on his head.

"Again?" Nagisa questioned.

"The school informed me that she's ran out of the classroom before, back in the beginning of the school year." Koro-sensei said while giving a minor lecture about being rude and all that.

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