[20] ♡ Karma x Fem!Reader: Half Naked Cuddles

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Requested by: @Historia_Reiss654


I was in a bad mood today. Want to know why? Okay so,

My mom is on a business trip, and she's been gone for a week now. She promised she'd be here for my birthday but, apparently not anymore. She had to deal with some 'important issues' that were apparently more important than my birthday.

"I wish she'd act like a mom for once..." I whispered as my chin rested on my desk.

Everyone said their bye's, because the day has just ended.

"Oi, (y/n), why do you look so down today? You're birthday's in two days, I thought you'd be excited." I heard Karma said to me. I looked up and sighed.
"Family issues." I simply said and opened the door to leave. And of course, it just so happened to be pouring rain. And I also forgot my umbrella. Great.

"I have an umbrella, (y/n). Let's walk home together." He smiled.
I jumped. Not only did he scare me, I also had the biggest crush on him and simply dreamed about him walking with me home.
"Y-Yes!" I said and got close to him by accident.

I looked to my side and saw a slight tint of pink brushed his cheeks. He looked adorable.

"Well, we should be on our way." He smiled sweetly at me and put the umbrella up over our heads.


We were walking and needed to cross the street. The gutter (in between the sidewalk and street) was basically a river waiting to splash us at anytime, but I didn't listen.

But just before a car could splash me with the water, Karma pushed me back so it would only get my feet wet a bit.

"You have to be more careful. You could've gotten soaked." He said strictly. I nodded.

We continued to walk and we finally got to my house.
"Hey, (Y/n), do you mind if I stay until the rain stops. My house is pretty far away and it's still pouring."
"S-Sure..." I said and blushed madly but quickly looked down before he could see.

I led him inside and he put the umbrella in a bucket where I keep all my umbrellas.

"Wait, if you said your house is far away, why did you walk me home."
"Well, I noticed you didn't have an umbrella. I just didn't want you to come home drenched." He said kindly.

'Awww! He's so cute!' I thought.

"U-Umm, thanks... I'm going to go - uh - change my clothes. Wait here okay?" I said and I dashed upstairs.


Karma was getting bored, let's face it, he kinda had an attention-span problem. He felt like (Y/n) was taking forever, so he decided he would sneak up on her.

Little did he know that (Y/n) was no where near getting done (OR DID HE KNOW??).
She only had put on a dry and big unbuttoned shirt, (it's around the mid thigh), a dry bra, and dry panties. She wanted to get comfortable, and hey, the baggier the more comfortable.

(Y/n) was only mid way done with the buttoning (covering her bra) when all of a sudden,

Karma burst in.

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