[12] ♡ Itona x Fem!Reader: Summer Trip

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I glance over my shoulder and see Itona sitting in his seat, calmly.

I had the biggest crush on him, and everyone knew.
Besides him himself.

"Alright class, it's decided that we're going on a little vacation!" Koro-sensei said with happiness in his voice.
"Get into groups!"

I walk over to Kayano's group but see it's already full.

Not knowing where to go, I accidentally bumped into Itona as I walked backwards. I fell on my butt, awkward as always.

"O-Oh! M-My-mY b-bad!" I said and waved my hands around, trying to apologize.

"Want to be in a group? It seems you're all alone." He asked, giving me a hand so you could get up. I blushed, but didn't hesitate to take it.
"S-Sure." I replied. "Is there anyone e-else in the group?" I asked and looked around.


"I-Is that allowed?" I asked. His hand was still grabbing onto mine.
"Onii-cha-Koro-sensei didn't say anything about it." He said as he pulled me along with him as we walked to the other groups.

"Alright class! Let's head to the train station. Make sure to stay in your groups." Koro-sensei said and started to lead us outside.

"Hold it!" Karasuma said and pointed at Koro-sensei.
"You're not going out like that. Just teleport or something and we'll meet you there."

"You're no fun..." Koro-sensei said and walked back into the classroom.


As we made our way to the train station, I noticed Itona was awfully close to me. It was probably because we needed to stay together.

We got our tickets, and Karasuma instructed on us sitting with our groups, so it wouldn't get complicated.

So I was stuck sitting right next to my crush the whole train ride.

"I wonder why they're in a separate group."
"Probably so they could do things alone." I heard Teresaka's group whisper. Since they were in the booth next to me and Itona's, I could hear them clearly.

"H-Hey! Knock it off!" I yell angrily at them as they whip their heads towards me in confusion and fear.

I was blushing heavily by now.
And Itona noticed too.


"(Y/n)-san, are you feeling well? Your head is awfully hot..." Itona said and touched my forehead with his hand. I jumped and blushed even harder, if that's even possible.

"I-I-I'm-I'm f-fine! I p-pro-promise." I said and waved it off.

Then it just got silent between us.

"S-So!" I said to try to start a conversation.
"Where would you like to go?" I said and smiled at him.

I didn't get that smile back, since Itona was basically emotionless most of the time.

"I don't know. I was planning on you choosing really." He said and looked up at me.

'How sweet!!!'

"Well," I said and took out my map.
"I was thinking of going here!" I said and pointed at a cafe.

"You do realize there are thousands of those right?"

"Y-Yeah! But I-I-Um, this one in particular I want to go to. There aren't really any that are like it." I said, embarrassed of what he said.

"Alright. Whatever you wanna do." Itona said shrugging.

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