[15] ♡ Depressed!Nagisa x Fem!Reader: By My Side

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Requested by: @blackbutler82105


Sitting in your seat, listening to Koro-sensei's lecture, you looked to your left a bit and saw Nagsia, upset again.

You wished you could help him, but nothing seemed to work.

Taking him out, getting him things, keeping a positive attitude,


You didn't know what he was really sad about, because when you had asked him he would just shrug it off or say "it's personal".

After class, Nagisa got up and started walking out. So you caught up to him.

"Nagisa-kun!" You called after him. His pace quickened.

After several tries of getting him to stop, he finally did and faced you.
"What is it, (y/n)-san?" Nagisa said blankly.

"Oh good, you stopped!" You managed to breathe out.
"Anyway, what's the matter? You seemed more upset today. You didn't talk that much and basically ignored everyone and everything." You asked and tilted your head.

"It's nothing, (y/n). I'm fine." He said and looked down.

"That was an obvious lie. Please tell me the truth. You don't need to keep secrets from me." You said worriedly. Scared of what might be going on behind closed doors.

"I'll...I'll tell you later." Nagisa mumbled and walked away.



Days passed. Nagisa still didn't tell you. During lunch he would just sit at his desk, ignoring everyone who tried to talk to him.

You didn't want to ask him about it again. Afraid that you would seem like an annoying burden Nagisa had to deal with.

But today, you wanted to find out. You wanted to be the person who Nagisa came to whenever he needed help. The person who Nagisa trusted. The person Nagisa loved.

So after school, you went up to him.

"Nagisa-kun! I've had enough! I want to find out why you're so sad all the time! Please tell me." I said desperately.

"Alright fine, you wanna know so badly, I'll tell you." Nagisa said coldly.
"It's my mom. She wanted a girl, but I came out a male. She makes me feel as if I was a mistake to this world. And I'm starting to believe her." He confessed. Your eyes were wide.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
"No one knows. But whatever, you don't understand anyway." Nagisa spat, but before he could walk away, you caught him.

"I do understand! I love you for god's sake!" You screamed. Letting it all out right there and then.

Nagisa faced you again, and scoffed.

"You don't love me. No one does."

"Nagisa Shiota! Don't say things like that! Everyone in class 3-E loves you!" You yelled again.
"Just n-not as much as I-I do..." You whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.
"I love your personality, I love your face, I love your smile, I love your laugh, I love your jokes, I love your kindness, I love your honesty,

I love you." You admitted.

"(Y/n)..." Nagisa said and walked closer to you. You were crying softly at this point.
He then embraced your in a hug. A loving hug.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was a jerk. I ignored you and everyone else for my own sad self. Please forgive me, I love you too."

"Nagisa-" You were cut off by Nagisa placing his lips on yours.
The kiss was filled with love, sadness, anger, and a whole bunch of emotions.
Of course you kissed back. You loved him, after all.

After you too parted, he gently took your hand and smiled at you. And you smiled back.

You guys then took a loving walk, hand in hand.


"(Y/n)?" Nagisa quietly said to you as you both were snuggling.

"You're the best thing that's every happened to me." He whispered and snuggled his face into your neck.

"Same to you."

Coming up~
Jpop artist! Karma x Fangirl! Reader (request)
Neko! Isogai x Reader
Karma x Neko! Reader x Nagisa

Gah sorry this is so cheesy >.<
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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