[28] ☆ Cheater!Karma x Male!Reader: Toy (2/2)

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Requested by: Literally all of you lmfao
"*sniff*...uuuuu...." Soft cries filled the room as you dug your face into your pillow.

You had just walked in on your boyfriend about to have sex with your best friend.

It was extremely traumatic.

"Wh-Why did I e-ever *sniff* trust t-that j-jerk?!" You yelled to yourself. Your stomach then growled very loudly so you slowly slid out of bed and your crying came to a halt as you made your way to your kitchen.

You opened up your fridge, only to find disappointing meal choices.
"Nothing. Great."

You then walked over to your cabinet and opened it. You had some soup and crackers.
"This'll do..."

So you heated up the soup. After it was done, you sat down on your couch and ate your sad dinner.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow...I can't." You mumbled to yourself and the tears started flowing down again. You moved your head so your soup wouldn't get filled with tears.

You crunched on your crackers and eventually finished, so you went back to your room and flopped on your bed.

*bzzt* *bzzz*....

You heard a soft vibrating noise come from your phone. You picked it up and saw many texts from Karma.

Karma: (Y/N)! Please come back! I'm so so sorry...

Karma: Please forgive me.

Karma: I can't even forgive myself for hurting you like that...I promise it won't happen again.

Karma: Let's just start over?

Karma: Please?

Karma: (Y/N)...it's been a while since you left and you aren't responding to any of my messages...

Karma: You're probably asleep...it is pretty late after all.

Karma: (Y/N)...

Karma: (Y/N), I love you.

'I love you'

"That's bullshit...!" You yelled and threw your phone to the other side of the bed. You sat up and rubbed away your tears.

"No, I can't cry over him," You started, "I'm going to go to school tomorrow and show him that I'm fine without him!"


You plugged your earbuds into your phone and placed it in your pocket as you stepped, head high and confident.

You put on (your favorite song) and started walking to school.

When you arrived at the building, you walked inside the classroom, without taking your earbuds out. The song playing was just too good.

You looked over and saw Karma with his head down on his desk. Even though it didn't seem like it , you were on the verge of sobbing once you saw him. You turned away and pressed the earbuds deeper into your ears, trying to block out the world for just a moment.

You looked over to your left and saw Nagisa in his seat with his hands folded on his desk. He wasn't talking to anyone and seemed upset.

'Good.' You thought to yourself and slightly smiled.

"Okay!" You heard Koro-sensei say, "Everyone in your seats, class is now in session."


During class, you became extremely bored and started playing with your pencil.

Then suddenly, a paper ball hit your hand and fell onto the ground next to your desk. You picked it up and opened it.

Please meet me after school behind the school building. I need to talk to you.

'It better not be the red and blue dipshits or I swear to god.' You thought to yourself and let out an angry sigh as you put the note into your pocket.
'Whatever. I'll go.'


After the school day ended you packed up your stuff and headed to the back of the school.

Once you got there you saw them.

The people that you really wished to not see.

"(Y/N)-kun..." Nagisa softly said to you and made eye contact with you, while Karma's eyes stayed glued to the ground.

"Ugh..what do you two want? I don't have the time for this." You spat and began to take out your phone and earbuds.

"I'm sorry." You heard Karma say, looking up at you with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry too." Nagisa said after.

"Like hell you are." You rolled your eyes and turned to leave.

"Wait-!" Karma yelled as he ran up behind you and hugged your back tightly. You started sniffling and your eyes started to sting. Before you knew it, your face was flooded with tears. And the back of your shirt became wet, so Karma was also crying.

"Please. Listen to us. To me." He pleaded. You sighed.
"Okay." You replied and Karma got off you and you turned around to face them.

"I just wanted to say...I'm truly sorry for what I did. I know you'll never forgive me or Nagisa, but I just wanted to clear things up with you. You're literally one of the coolest guys I've ever met. I'm extremely regretful about what happened and maybe we could still be friends?" Karma said and stared into your eyes. Nagisa looked at the ground.

It was silent for a minute. Your tears slowly came to a halt.

You sighed and nodded, "Alright. I don't think we can become good friend's again but, we'll just be nice towards eachother from now on. Alright?" They nodded and you smiled calmly.

"I gotta go now. Have a nice life, both of you." You waved them goodbye and they did the same.


Later that night, you got a text from Nagisa.

Nagisa: Sorry I didn't really say anything, I was really nervous. Anyway, I wanted to know if we're okay too? I understand that it's going to take lots of time for us to be friend's again but are we cool?

You smiled and let out a low chuckle.

(Y/N): We're cool.


I'm still getting so many reads and comments everyday it's so??? Surreal??? I can't believe it and I wanted to thank you guys again. It truly means the world to me when I see someone voting on my story or adding it to their reading list. Ily!!

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