[22] ♡ Nagisa x Fem!Reader: Rainy Day (2/2)

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Requested by: @KarmaOnYourWay
Storyline Idea given by: @dazaislefteye (gr8 username btw)



Ah, another usual day at school. Koro-sensei was teaching and I was bored as usual.

It's been a few months since Nagisa and I started dating and we have been really happy with each other. Karma and I stayed as friends and I realized that it's better like that.

As I was spacing out a small note in the shape of a triangle hit my head. I looked around the room as I held it in the palm of my hand. I made eye contact with Karma and he motioned for me open it.

"Has Nagisa made any moves on you yet?" The note read. My face instantly got red.

I quickly scribbled on,

"What?! What do you mean by that? Hopefully you don't mean...?" After I wrote that I folded it back into the shape that it was in before and threw it back to him.

We were both in the back of the room so Koro-sensei couldn't see us.

I felt the note hit my head again and I unfolded it.

"Ah, figures. He's too innocent. Anyway, Sugino, Kayano and I wanted to go out someplace for dinner. Wanna come? Bring Nagisa if you do." The note read. My face heated up more and I gave Karma a small glare and wrote back,

"You did mean that! *sigh* But to answer your question about dinner, of course I'll go! I'll ask Nagisa after school."  I wrote.

I threw the note back at him, but with more force. He flinched, but saw the note and opened it. He smiled and put a thumbs up.


After school was over, you went up to Nagisa.

"Hey Nagisa." You greeted with a smile. He smiled back.
"Hey (Y/n). Want me to walk you home? It's raining outside and I don't think you brought and umbrella." He offered, I accepted.

As we started to walk, hand in hand, I asked him if he wanted to go with me and our friends to dinner somewhere.

"Hm? Oh, sure! I'd love to!" He said excitedly and gave me an adorable smile. I blushed, again.

"That's great! I'll tell Karma once I get home." I said and we continued to walk.

I suddenly got memories from when Nagisa confessed to me and I accepted. When we became a couple.

"Remember when I came to your house crying about what happened with Karma?" I asked but didn't look at him. At the corner of my eye he looked at me, kinda shocked.

"I thought you said to never mention it?" He asked and I chuckled.
"You can now. It doesn't bother me anymore." I said with a closed-eye smile, finally looking at him.

We both stopped to look into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Oh. That's good to hear." Nagisa replied with a small smile. " I do remember. Gosh, I never want to see you cry like that ever again. I don't even want you to shed a single tear." He said, smiling sadly and looking down.

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