[13] ☆ Obsessive!Nagisa x Fem!Reader: Surprise (2/2)

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Part two of 'surprise'!

Little flashback, if you forgot. Please read part one before reading this chapter, if you haven't already.

"Nagisa! What are you doing?!" I yelled and helped Karma up.

"Making sure everyone knows what's mine." Nagisa said and glared deeply at Karma, who slightly shook.

"We're not even dating! What happened to you?!"
"I'm about to change that. And for the record, I'm perfectly normal." He said and dragged me out of the classroom.


Before Nagisa could actually pull me out the door, Karma quickly grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him.

"Oi, I ain't letting you take her unless you tell her and I first." Karma said and looked down at Nagisa, who wore an obvious glare on his face.

"Who do you think you are..." Nagisa mumbled. His bangs covered his face, and it was honestly pretty scary.

"Telling me what to do! And you think you know (y/n) more than I do! Scum! Trash!" Nagisa spat and pulled me towards him violently and dashed out the room.


"Nagisa!" I called, no response.
"Nagisa!" I yelled out, but more loudly this time.
Still nothing, just the sound of our feet tapping the sidewalk as we speed-walked go where ever Nagisa was taking me.

"NA-GI-SA!" I screamed, only to be met with an angry Nagisa turned my way.


"Where are we going?!" I asked, it freaked me out because I don't know who he is anymore.

"You'll see..." Nagisa mumbled under his breath, his grip on my tightening.

He dragged me along, with none of my consent, and we stopped in front of an apartment room.
Nagisa quickly opened the door, and pushed me in. He locked the door behind us, and grabbed my arm again only to drag me to - what I assume to be - his room.

He pushed me on the bed, and started to crawl on top of me.
He looked at me, with lust in his eyes.

I wanted no partake in this.

"N-Nagisa! Please s-stop!" I yelled and looked away, cramming my eyes closed.

"Maehara, Isogai, Karma, we won't have to worry about them anymore, (y/n)..." Nagisa whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my neck.

"Wh-What are you talking about?!!" I screamed. He got off and sat next to me, staring at me with a sick smile.

"Let's just say they won't be bothering us anymore..." He giggled and laid down on top of me for a hug, "I love you... (Y/N)."

I stayed silent. What the hell do I even say?! What's wrong with him??? Who is he anymore??

"Why are you talking so long to respond? You don't love me?" He whispered, tears brimming his eyes.

I did love him, just not him.
I loved his innocent self. I loved his smile, his laugh. I loved how he would always compliment me. I loved his kindness. I loved his honesty.


"No. I don't love you." I finally stated. But Nagisa didn't appreciate it very much.

"I'll make you love me then!" He yelled and dragged me to a different room.

-*five months later*-

You were done. You had lost it.

Nagisa brainwashed you. He kept saying how he was the only one for you, and he would do hurtful things to you if you disagreed.

He kept you in that room for five months. He wouldn't let you talk to anyone. He wouldn't let you think about anyone but him. And you were on the brink of insanity.

You were broken.

Coming up~!
Karma x Stubborn! Reader
Depressed! Nagisa x Reader (request)

Sorry 'bout the ending. Ik it wasn't the best. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes too.
You guys requested it, so you got it! (Thank you, two people. I know who you are :3)

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