[9] ♡ Gakushu x Kuudere!Fem!Reader: Secrets

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Request by: Candy8792

As I sat in the Library, I noticed Asano and his five other friends come in.

'Ah, so Asano-kun and his friends are here too.' I thought and continued to read my book.

I looked up slightly and saw Asano and his gang mocking the E-class.
So I stand up, and walk towards them.

"And the meaning of this is?" I ask with a slightly annoyed face, my calm one taking over though.

"Ah, (y/n)-chan!" Ren called and stopped playing with a black-haired girls' hair.
"How weird of seeing you here!" He failed at flirting.

"I am at your school."

Asano watched as the other three kept holding up the E-class.
He had an angry face,


As I continued to watch the group of people, I just stared blankly at them.
Until suddenly the E-class made gun and knife signs with their hands to the five's heads.

I stood in shock.

"H-How!" Asano said and got out of one of the guys' grips.

Asano stormed off, not saying a word to me or anyone.
And I decided to follow him.


He continued walking, to who knows where. He got outside, and before he could leave the gates, I called out to him. Kind of.

"Asano-kun." I said in my calm voice as usual.

He stopped, and stiffly turned to face me.

"Tch. I thought you were different." He said and continued to walk.

I caught up with him, of course.

"What do you mean?"
"You're always flirting with guys. It pisses me off."

"I don't flirt with them, in fact I push them away. I guess you haven't noticed." I said back. With a small glare.

"You don't understand! I-I'm in love with you." He said as his voice got softer as he spoke.

"Y-You are?" I stuttered.
"W-We-Well, in t-that case, I love you to-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Asano kissed me.

He kissed me.

I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, and Asano liking this, pulled me closer. I kissed back, softly.
Due to lack of air, we pulled apart.

Seconds felt like hours.

"S-Sorry. I wanted to do that before I changed my mind. A-And now I regret it." He said and looked away, with a blush on his face.

"It's alright." I said with a calm look. But with an obvious blush covering it.

"Can I walk you home?" Asano asked as he looked at me.

"Yes. You may."

"You dork."


Sorry if Asano is OOC, I didn't have a lot of time. Anyway, hope it's good enough!
I'm sorry that it's short too! My chapters get shorter every time I go it seems like.

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