[30] ♡ Nagisa x Childhoodfriend!Neko!Fem!Reader: Meeting You Again

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Requested by: @The_99th_Anna


It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A Wednesday, to be exact. I woke up and stretched my arms out. Sunshine poured out my window and into my room.

I smiled to myself and picked up my phone to check the time.

"2pm?!" I screeched, extremely confused and an instant wave of nervousness came over me.

My legs moved on their own and I quickly made my way to my closet, where I threw on a nice white dress with (favorite color) shoes and a silver necklace, bracelet and earrings.

I ran to my bathroom, peed, brushed my teeth, did my quick makeup, and styled my hair.

I grabbed my phone and mini (f/c) backpack and headed out the door, to my current job.


"Damnit, (Y/N)! This is the third time you've been late this week! I don't pay you $50 an hour for shit like this!" My boss yelled at me when I got to my work.

"I'm so sorry! I promise it'll never happen again." I apologized and she calmed down.

"Alright. But seriously, you work 5 days a week. Make today and the next two days count!" She accepted, I smiled.

"I'm glad you look nice, though. Hurry your butt up and get on stage! We're running late!" She rushed and I quickly got my headpiece microphone and headed up on the stage.

Oh, I forgot to tell you what exactly my job is. Well, I'm an entertainer! But not just any entertainer. I have a secret weapon.

Once the curtains were pulled back, I was met by a big but not-so-big crowd that was mainly filled with children and their parents.

"Hey!! Good afternoon! I'm Ms. Cherry! How is everyone today?" I beamed with my highest voice I could manage.
I received a cheer from the crowd in response.

"Wonderful! Now, I have a secret that you all need to promise me you won't tell." I grinned, putting my index finger in front of my mouth while cutely posing.

"PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SECRET, MS. CHERRY!" Some guy in the crowd shouted.

I gave a fake giggle, but I didn't make it obvious it was fake, "You see, this is not something I tell just anyone. I believe you all are special!"

"So, my secret..." I started, and then revealed my ears and tail which made the crowd gasp. Get's 'em every time.

"I am a cat girl!" I announced and made a cat pose while winking. Boom, that's my secret weapon.


Before you say anything, Okajima was the reason Karma, Sugino and I were here! I couldn't get out of it either. For some reason, Sugino and Karma were cool with going to see some weird show.

Suddenly, the crowd we were in gave a loud cheer.

"Wonderful! Now, I have a secret that you all need to promise me you won't tell." The girl on stage yelled.

But...something about her seemed familiar. And just like that, I realized who she was.

"PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SECRET, MS. CHERRY!" Okajima suddenly shouted while Sugino gave him disappointed looks.

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