[3] ♡ Isogai x Innocent!Fem!Reader: Confession

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I was at the hotel and in a tight situation.

The girls had asked who I liked.

And I was the type of person who hated to lie, so this was tough.
They were all staring at me, even Bitch sensei.

"Wh-What!! No!! I d-don't like anyone!" I stuttered out. It was obvious I lied.

"C'mon (Y/N), we all know you have your eyes on someone." Nakamura asked with a very scary smirk.

"F-Fine...it's Isogai..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Fuwa asked, with the same smirk.

"I. Like. ISOGAI-" I instantly covered my mouth and blushed.

"OOOooOooOoOOOooooO!!!" All the girls screamed. So loud the boys could hear very clearly.

"Please stop..." I asked and had tears brimming my eyes.

-- *TIMESKIP* --

I've been talking to Isogai a lot lately. It's made me more happy than I want to be. I made a deal that if I talked to Isogai more, the girls wouldn't tell. But now that I've spent so much time with him, I'm enjoying it. I hope he is too.

"Isogai~" I called as he turned his attention to me.

"Hm? Oh, (Y/N)-san!" He said and hugged me. I blushed.
"So I heard you're good at history too, and I wanted to make a bet." He smiled and pulled back.

"Sure. What's the bet?"

"Who ever gets the highest score on the midterms for history is the winner! And the loser has to do what the winner says for a day!" Isogai said and smirked.

"U-hm...sure. You're on!" I said and shook hands with him.

His hand was sticky and wet.

"You have clammy hands." I said and quickly wiped my hand on my skirt.

"Yeah sorry, they usually aren't like that eheh.." He sweat dropped.

Did I mention the whole class was watching, and that all the girls had an evil smirk on their face?

"It's alright. See you guys later." After I said that the bell rang.


As I was walking home I had time to think.

'His hands aren't always clammy, does that mean he was nervous? Nervous around me?! Does he like me, or is he just giving mixed signals?!'


"EEEH?! I got third?!" I screamed when I got my scores back. Isogai was first in history, while I was in third!

"But I studied everything! I stayed up-"

"Guess what (Y/N)-san~" Isogai popped up out of no where and smiled, putting his hands on my shoulders.

He quickly lead me out of the classroom and took me to his work.

"Work here for the day! I'll even get you a uniform and everything!" He said happily and walked me inside.


"Um I-Isogai...I don't think I feel comfortable in this..." I said and looked at the ridiculous uniform I was in. It felt more like a costume than anything...

"Now now, (Y/N)-san, we made a bet. You must do what I say, matter what it is. Now come out."

"Ugh. Fine" I said and stepped out. The 'uniform' was a maid costume with a little lacy apron and black stockings to go with it.

"Now for the final touch..." Isogai said and reached into his bag.

"CAT EARS!!!" He said and tried to put them on me.

"No way!!" I screeched and slapped his hands away from my head. After a bit of struggling, he succeeded in putting the headband on me.

"Awwhhh!~ (Y/N)-san you look so cute!!" Isogai said with hearts him his eyes and hugged me tightly.

"Um Isogai...can I tell you something?" I whispered and pulled away. "Sure! What is it?" He smiled and looked at me.

"I...." I started, "...feel ridiculous."

"Aw don't worry, you look great! Now come on, I'll show you the basics around here," He smiled at me and I felt my face heat up.

"You're so cute..." I whispered.

"What? You think I'm cute?" He asked with a slight blush on his cheeks. My eyes were wide with shock, I didn't think he would hear that!!

"I—!! I gotta go-!" I panicked and ran out. I heard Isogai try to chase after me with the clothes I was wearing before, but out of embarrassment I ran faster.

Once I got home, I stood in my doorway and gave myself the hardest facepalm I've ever given myself.

"Now he totally knows how I feel..."


The next day, Isogai approached me with a smile.

"Isogai!" I peeped and looked up from my book I was reading before class started.


"S-sama?-" I was cut off by Isogai placing his lips on mine. It was sudden, but very sweet.

Karma and Nakamura then grabbed their phones and started taking pictures, videos, and selfies of the moment.
And of course, everyone was watching.

"I like you too."



He then took me out of the classroom and dragged me to his house.
When we got there, he threw me on the bed, and started to strip-

Haha you wish lol jk


Coming up~
Itona x reader
Karma x reader
Nagisa x reader x Karma
Okuda x kuudere! Reader


Woop woop so that's that. Soz that he's OOC

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