[31] ♡ Karma x Male!Reader: Movie Theater

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Requested by: @sen_dxtri


"Hey, (Y/N)!" Nagisa yelled out towards me, "Do you want to come with Sugino, Karma and I to the movies after school?"

"Sure! What movie is it?" I asked.
"(favorite movie)." Karma answered.

"Oh!! No way! I thought they weren't showing it in theaters anymore." I beamed. (favorite movie) is my absolute favorite film ever!

"I know, that's why I chose it." Karma smirked and wrapped his arm around my neck.
My face heated up. Was he flirting with me? Oh god I hope so!


Once it was after school hours, I grabbed all my stuff and headed out with the three boys, making sure to walk next to Karma on the way to movie theater.

Our hands brushed together a few times and the whole time I had a big smile on my face because I had a plan.

What kind of plan, you ask?
Well, I'm planning on making a move on Karma! But the tricky part is seeing if he's even into guys.

And that's the first part of my plan that I'm going to tackle.

Once we got there, we bought the tickets, bought popcorn and soda, and we walked into the actual theater.

I sat next to Karma and Nagisa sat next to me while Sugino sat next to Nagisa.

We were really early and because of that no ads were playing yet. So Sugino and Nagisa talked and Karma and I sat in silence.

I started to sweat and I blushed again.

'What the fuck, (Y/N)?! Why are you so nervous? Just talk to him!!!' I screamed in my head.
I took a deep breath and turned to Karma.

"So, Karma," I began and he looked at me, "Tell me about some of your past relationships!" I smiled enthusiastically.

"Oh? I've never really been in one before." He said and drank some soda.
"Do you have a crush on someone?" I asked.
"Yep." He answered and smiled.
My face lit up with excitement as I squealed, "Who is it???"

"Why do you want to know about my love life so bad?" He smirked, putting his face closer to mine.
I backed my head up a little and blushed a bit more, "O-Oh you know, I'm just nosy! Eheheh.."

We became silent again.

I gulped and suddenly blurted out, "Do you like guys?"
Once I said that, my eyes widened and I quickly looked away from him in embarrassment.
'Fuck, that wasn't part of the plan,' I thought, 'I was supposed to be smooth!'

"Yeah, I do." He responded, flashing me a smirk.
"Oh, cool!" I smiled and gave myself a small fistbump, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Part 1 of the plan: Find out if he likes boys, complete! (but was executed poorly)

After I said that, the lights went dim and the ads before the movie finally started playing.

20 minutes go by and the movie starts.

I noticed that Karma's arm was resting on the arm rest next to me. I slyly placed my hand on top of his, smiling.

I saw his face in the corner of my eye and he looked at my hand and then at me. His eyes widened but then went back to normal and he went back to watching the movie.

I looked down, my smile fading, 'He must not feel the same way.' I thought and took my hand off of his.

Again in the corner of my eye I saw that he looked a little disappointed when I did that, but then smirked.

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