[4] ♡ Itona x Fem!Reader: Lending A Hand

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I sat in the classroom, bored as I usual. Oh how I couldn't wait for the day to be over. I glanced over at my crush, Itona. I didn't even know why I liked him, he didn't seem to show affection towards me.

He looked frustrated, and I felt like helping, so I walked over and spoke to him.

"Um...Itona-san?" I asked and he looked at me. His frustrated eyes got a little softer when he saw me.
"Would you like help with that?"

"Uh, sure." He said. I swore I saw his cheeks go pink.

"Do you not know what to add?" I questioned and took the machine out of his hands.

"No. I need it to kill Koro-sensei. I feel like it's not good enough."

"Hmm, oh! I have the perfect idea!" I exclaimed and ran over to my bag, picking up a small metal device. I ran back to him and said, "This can allow you to keep track of where it goes. It's for tracking where your target walks, or if it gets lost."

"Oh...this is a great idea. Thanks." He said and looked down, inspecting the machine.

"It's not that much of a change. Sorry I couldn't think of anything else." I said and gave him a closed-eye smile.

His eyes widened.

"T-Thank you, (y/n)."

"No problem!" I said and smiled.

Then the bell rang, telling us and everyone else in the classroom that the day was over.


The next day, I sat in my seat, bored again.
Koro-sensei was teaching math, my worst subject.
I looked over at Itona. He seemed fine.

Then all of a sudden, he just sneezed.


I looked around the class, 'Did anyone else see that just now?!' I thought to myself, 'That was the cutest thing I've ever seen!! Is he even real?!'


I was just sitting in class, listening to Koro-sensei's boring lecture, trying to figure a way to kill him.

Then I felt something go up my nose, so I sneezed.
It wasn't loud, so no one looked at me.

I looked over at (Y/N) and we made eye contact. I saw her quickly look down and I did the same.

Why did I look at her? I'm feeling something, I can tell it's new. I don't quite understand it.

I feel like I should tell her about this...feeling. I want to talk to someone, and (Y/N) seems like a person who would understand. It's okay if she knows, right?


I walked outside, with my bag. I saw (Y/N) walking, so I sped up to her.

"(Y/N)!" I called and she looked back

"...Can I maybe tell you something?" I said and she nodded with a smile.

"I've been getting this weird...feeling. I think you might be able to help me," I started.
"What kind of feeling?" She asked.


"It only really happens when I'm around you, I think," Itona spoke, "My heart starts beating faster than normal and my face heats up when you're close."

You're smile turned into shock as you realized what was happening.

"You make me feel weird. But not a bad weird, it's hard to explain. I feel different around you than other people. You're the only one I get nervous around." He finished explaining, and you stood there in shock.

"Are- are you confessing to me??" You asked.
He blinked, "What?"

"That's love! That's what you're feeling...romantic love. Right?" You said and brought your hands to your face.

"Really? I've never experienced that before. Do you feel like that towards me?" He asked bluntly.


"W-Wha-!" My heart was beating like crazy. Should I tell him?
"...Yeah," You spoke, "You dummy! Yes I feel like that towards you...I can't believe you confessed before me!"

"Oh, sorry. So you're in love with me?" He genuinely asked, and I brought my hands up hiding my face from him again.

"Don't ask that so casually!!" I told him and let out a sigh, I had to tell him some time, "...Yes. I'm- in love with you."

He smiled.
I felt his arms around my waist when I took my hands of my face. I was a bit taller than him, so he laid his head on top of my chest.

"Boobs..." I heard him say.

"What—!! What are you doing?" I asked, ignoring his comment on my boobs.
"This is what couples do. They hug." He said plainly and pulled me a bit closer.

Itona Horibe was hugging me.

Moments pass and after finally processing all of this being real, I hugged him back.

"Let's go on a date." He spoke suddenly, I nodded.

"Where do you want to go?" He said with determination, hugging me tighter.

"I-Itona! That hurts!"
(Let the dirty comments in)

"Oh. Sorry." He said.
Then he leaned in and..

Kissed me?!

Two seconds go by and I kiss back.
We pull apart and I smile at him.

"How about a fun movie?" I said.

"That's fine with me," He responded.

Coming up~
Karma x reader
Nagisa x reader x Karma
Okuda x Kuudere! Reader
Yandere! Nagisa x reader
Ugh. I hate it ;-;. I don't have any time to edit it so sorry if there's mistakes or if it sucks. Also sorry Itona is OOC.

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