[16] ♡ Famous singer!Karma x Fangirl!Reader: Biggest Fan (1/2)

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Requested by: @SayuriEri
Ik ik it was originally jpop artist but I changed it because I'm not too into jpop myself so I can't really grasp the subject as much as I would like to.



As you walked down the streets in the city you lived in, you saw a giant crowd surrounding someone, or something. So you decided on checking it out.

What you saw surprised you.

Right there, right in front of you, was Karma Akabane.

The Karma Akabane.

You stood there for a second, watching as girls screamed and fangirled over him as he smiled at all of them. Not wanting to be a bother, you left without saying a word. He already had a ton of fans surrounding him anyway.


As I was greeting all of my fans, I noticed a (h/c) haired girl stand a few feet away from the crowd. We make eye contact for a second before she walks off. Something about her makes me want to get to know her.

"Alright ladies, I need to leave. Sorry!" I apologized and walked off, they screamed at me to come back.

I go the direction the mysterious girl went and saw her. But she had a gang of guys surrounding her. About 4 guys. This didn't seem good.

"C'mon girly~ come back with us and we can show you a real good time~" One of the hairy monkeys said to her. She backed up and declined.

"We'll make you feel good~" Another one said and got really close. A different one grabbed her waist.

I've had enough with these disgusting bastards.

"Alright men, that's enough of that." I said calmly and approached them. The girl looked shocked but happy that I came.

"And who are you?" The one who had their hands on the girl's waist asked and looked at me. I simply smirked.

"That's not important right now. But I suggest you get your hands of the girl. She obviously does not want anything to do with you guys." I said as I started walking closer to one of the guys. The girl ran behind me and started crying softly.

"You think you can just give us orders, boy?" Another one of them asked and got closer to me.
"Yes, I think I can. You don't want to get arrested, now do you?" I said firmly and got in the guy's face, with a sadistic look in my eyes.

"Okay then. Mess him up, fellas." The guy called and the three other men approached me,

One of them tried to land a punch on my face, but I easily dodged.
"You're gonna have to try harder." I called and smirked.

Another one tried to punch me in he stomach but I grabbed his hand and kicked him in the crotch. He dropped, gripping onto his covered area and groaning.
Another different guy tried to kick my side, and again it didn't work. I ended up kicking him in the stomach and making him fall to the ground.

I then grabbed a nearby glass bottle and smashed it on a nearby wall. I pointed the sharp edge at the last guy who was shaking in fear.

"How about this, you leave and take your buddies with you and no one else gets hurt, alright?" I said and my smirk got bigger. He nodded his head several times before kicking his friends up and running off.

Once they were gone, I looked back to see the girl standing and shivering slightly. She had tears in the sides of her eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. They're gone now." I assured her and cupped my hand on her cheek, wiping the tears away wth my thumb.

She blushed a crimson red.

"T-Thank you..." She whispered and looked down.


"T-Thank you..." I whispered and looked down. He gave me a closed eyed smile and said,
"No problem."

"I best be on my way-" I started but he grabbed my arm before I could leave.

"Do you wanna...uh...meet up tomorrow?" He asked. My blush got darker, somehow.

"U-Um, S-sure!" I said and smiled.
"Cool. I'll pick you up at 1:00 pm, okay?"
"Sure..." I started, "Wait! U-Uh, I live at (your address)..."
"Oh right, yeah, forgot to ask." He finally said and left.

As he started to walk off, I couldn't help but quietly squeal. I swear I almost passed out.

"The Karma Akabane, asking me out?! Well not asking me out as in a date, he just wants to get to know me. But that's still a lot!" I said to myself as I started to walk home.


I'll make a part two don't worry I just needed to get this chapter out because woah boy I haven't updated in a while
I'm really for not updating! I've been procrastinating a lot lately. But thank you all for 2k reads! Jesus that's a lot

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