[21] ♡ Maehara x Cheeky!Fem!Reader: Prank War

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Requested by: @akatsuki123321
Storyline idea given by: @YandereTetsu


"C'mon (Y/n)-chan~, why are you so angry today~?" Maehara said in a teasing voice while poking my cheek as I sat very angrily at my desk.
"Yours truly is angry because you're being annoying!" I screamed at him and almost bit his finger. It was lunch time and I was trying to eat my bento when Mr. Ass came along and decided to bug me.

"I notice that you always look so lost during class. Especially English. Y'know, I could help you study sometime if you like~," He suggested, but I quickly shook my head 'no'.

"Yours truly always gets good grades on her tests! How rude of you to not think so! Hmph!" I said and looked away while pouting. Maehara just laughed.

"You're so cute~! But, if you got good grades on all of your tests, you wouldn't be stuck in the End class, now would you?" He asked and smirked. I pouted more and glared at him.

"Urusai! Yours truly got here for separate reasons!" That wasn't a lie. I wound up in the E class because I would always talk back to my classmates and teachers, and I would always pick fights with the other students.

"Mhmmm! Whatever you say~," He teased.

I got up and left, I decided to clear my head out outside. I looked back a bit and Maehara looked stunned.

"Stupid Maehara...I am not stupid! I can see right through his dumb smirk!" I mumbled.
*note: when the reader is talking to herself, she won't say 'yours truly'*


When I walk back into the classroom, my face was stopped because of some plastic wrap covering the doorway where my face would go.

"MAEHARA!" I yelled only to see him dying of laughter in the corner.

"(Y/n)-chan! Oh my god! You looked hilarious haha!" He laughed.

"You wanna go?! Yours truly will show you how it feels to be pranked!" I suddenly got really close to his face.

"Alright, pipsqueak. Let's see what you can do." He smirked.
"Yours truly is only 4 inches shorter than you!" I yelled.


That night, I planned on multiple ways to prank Maehara.


The next day, I planned to make the whole day dedicated to pranks.

As I sat in my seat, Koro-sensei began his lesson.

"Hey, (y/n)-chan, do you have a pen I can borrow?" He asked.
"Yes of course." I said and hid my small smile. I took out the special pen I had prepared the night before.

Later on, when he tried to use that pen, it wouldn't click. So he decided to open up the said pen, but little did he know I stuffed it with salt!

Boom! Salt got everywhere. All over his desk and paper. It didn't help that I put some food coloring in there too.

He gasped and tried to clean it up. It was funny alright. That's what he gets for embarrassing me.


During lunch, I went up to Maehara and tapped on his shoulder.

"Ne-Maehara. Yours truly's friend has a crush on you and was wondering if you wanted to go out with her.
"Hm? Do you have a picture of this 'friend'?" He asked and I nodded.

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