[11] ♡ Nagisa x Fem!Reader: Rainy Day (1/2)

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Soz this is a bit depressing.
Also sorry if there are spelling and grammar errors, this wasn't edited ;-;


As you walked away from the school, you cried remembering that dreaded scene.


"Karma-kun!" You called happily and walked towards the red headed male.

"Oh. (Y/n)-San." He said and looked at you. He had his regular smile on his face.

The smile you loved.
(key word: loved)

"U-Um I need to tell you something." You said and your face got bright red. Yes, you were very nervous.

"Go ahead."

"I-I-I real-really l-lo-love y-you!" You yelled and closed your eyes tightly, waiting for a response.

You didn't get the one you wanted.

"Oh." Karma said and looked away.
That's what you got. A stupid 'Oh'.
"Well, you're gonna hate me for this but,

I don't love you."

Your heart shattered at that moment. Thinking of every possible reason why he didn't love you. Yes your grades weren't the best. Yes you weren't good at physical activities. It doesn't matter though, right?

You smiled and laughed it off. Like it was a joke.
And as you left, you couldn't help but sob.


"Stupid Karma." You said angrily as you held in your tears.
"Why did I confess. Why now?" You said quietly and rambled.
And then it started to rain just like that.

"Oh Come on!" You said and continued to ramble nonsense.
But you didn't realize that you were lost.

'Crap!' You thought and looked around. The rain was pouring and you were already soaked. You didn't bring an umbrella either.

You then saw a familiar apartment.
'Nagisa-kun!' You thought happily and ran to his house.
You knocked on the door rapidly. Hoping he was home.

"Hel- (y/n)-chan! Your clothes!" Nagisa said and quickly lead you inside. He brought you a towel and gave it to you to dry yourself off.

You sniffled. The tears now brimming your eyes.

"(Y/n)-chan why are you crying?" He said worriedly and looked at you with a pained expression. He hated seeing you upset. It hurt him more than it hurt you.

"I-I c-con-confessed my love to someone but I-I was r-r-re-rejected!" You yelled and cried into his arms and hugged him.

Nagisa looked at you while his heart ached.

"Here, let's sit down and talk about this." He said with a stern voice as he lead you to his room.

You both sat on his bed as Nagisa hugged you tightly.

"What happened." He said with a caring voice.
You told him because you knew he was the only one who'd listen.

"W-well. I confessed to K-Karma and he just said 'Oh' like it didn't matter." You cried and sobbed harder. Your eyes were bloodshot red from crying and the tears streaming down your face dropped to your knees.

Meanwhile, Nagisa was thinking of all the reasons why Karma should've picked you. It was great he didn't, because Nagisa loved you, but it was bad because he had to see you upset.

Nagisa only wanted you to be happy.

"N-Nagisa-kun, why are you crying?" You said as his embrace got tighter.
"I just c-can't see-see y-you crying o-over some o-other guy." He cried and looked down, gripping his knees.

"What a-are you saying?" You asked, blushing furiously knowing what he was going to say before he even answered.

"I-I love you, (y/n)-chan!" He said and looked you in the eye.
"Why is it Karma who always wins? Am I not good enough?! Do I look to much like a girl? I can cut my hair even though my mom will get mad! Am I too innocent?! I'll be a bad boy, for you!" He confessed tears were streaming down both of your faces now.

You then remembered all the moments Nagisa was there for you. You didn't realize that you were lying to yourself.

You love Nagisa.

"Nagisa-kun, I'm sorry. I was too blind to realize that...that..." You looked down and put your hands into fists. You took a deep breath and said,

"I love you."

Nagisa's face lit up with happiness. He hugged you and thanked you over and over again.
You then gave him a kiss. It was short but very sweet and loving.
He kissed back, and a few seconds later you pulled apart.


The next day, it was pretty awkward with you and Karma. But he could see you moved on quick.

You and Nagisa couldn't keep you hands off of each other.
The way you both showed obvious affection made everyone squeal at both of your cuteness.

Nakamura was taking videos and pictures of it.
And so was Koro-sensei, that must've been his favorite ship.

Coming up~
Oblivious! Itona x Reader
Yandere! Nagisa x Reader (part two)
Karma x Stubborn! Reader

Sorry for all of the Nagisa x Reader's I have a bunch of ideas for this angel bean.

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