[23] ☆♡ Karma x Forgotten!Fem!Reader: I Remember (2/2)

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Requested by: A whole bunch of y'all
Story line Idea by: @Churoi & @QueenLoufoque


As you walked into class the next day, ignored as usual, you couldn't help but shed a tear.

Karma looked up at you and ran to you and hugged you.

"Hey, hey. It's alright. I'll make sure they will remember." He said, comforting you.

You sat at your desk, and waited for class to start. You looked over to your left and saw (random girls name) chatting with Kayano, Kanzaki and Nakamura. Getting upset again, you couldn't help but softly cry again. Remembering all those memories you had with them, before she came, made you upset. Those three were your best friend's after all.

As class started, you quickly wiped your tears away hoping Koro-sensei didn't notice. You were thankful that Karma, Koro-sensei, Karasuma and Professer Bitch still remembered you.

Halfway into the period, a crumpled up piece of paper hit your head. You opened it, only to reveal a message from (R/G/N).

"You're still here? God, by now I would've thought you moved or even killed yourself at this point. You must think Karma will 'never forget you' right? Well you're wrong. Soon, he'll be like everyone else. And soon, no one will ever remember the name (y/n) (l/n)." You read. You were beyond disgusted by what you read. Does she just have pleasure in ruining your day?

You quickly wrote down,

"You know what?! I'm tired of your bullshit, (R/G/N)! From now on, I want you to not talk to me ever again! We are not friend's anymore. And you thought I would've killed myself by now?! What are you, insane?" You wrote and threw it back at her, hitting her face, hard.

Once she opened it and read it, she gave you the most angry and disgusted look ever. You were glad that it came from her though, since it looked hilarious.

You turned your head and started paying attention, when another crumpled ball hit your head. You opened it again to find her 'letter'.

"Fine by me. I was using you anyway. Noticed how many friend's you had and purposely got dragged down here just to ruin your life. Have a good one ^^" God, you didn't just hate her, you despised her now.

You crumpled the paper up again and threw it on the floor.


When school ended, Karma walked over to your desk to find a crumpled piece of paper near it. He picked it up and saw the notes you and (R/G/N) were writing to each other. He was absolutely appalled by what (R/G/N) had said. He furrowed his eyebrows and shoved it in his bag.

"Oi! (R/G/N)! What the hell is this?!" He yelled, only for (R/G/N) to look at him innocently.

"What?" She said with the softest voice she could manage while batting her eyelashes like the manipulative person she is.

"You know what! Those letters you were giving (y/n)! Do you have any idea what those can do to a person?!" He screamed.

She just laughed.

"Yes I do. It can make them realize that they were wrong and I was right, because I am always right." She smirked cockily. "I don't know why you're always defending her. She's a piece of trash who should get lost somewhere."

This made Karma burst with rage.

"You asshole! I can't believe people like you. People like you should perish!" He spat. (R/G/N) just laughed more, but more sadistically.

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