[27] ♡ Maehara x Kuudere!Fem!Reader: Annoying Smiles

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Requested by: @ghost_kiwi


"Rain again?! Ugh...I hate this type of weather." You heard Maehara complain to some other classmates across the room.

"Oi, (Y/N)!" You heard him yell. You flinched a bit and turned your head towards him.
"Come over here!" He said and gave you a toothy smile. A shade of red lightly brushed across your cheeks as you made your way to his seat.

"Why'd you invite (Y/N) over? She's so boring, and not to mention she's not that nice to look at..." Okajima whispered to Maehara, which you heard pretty clearly. But what he said wasn't a lie, you never really talked to anyone and your looks were average.

Your eyes met the floor as Maehara looked at Okajima and gave him a slight glare. He looked back at you and your eyes met. You looked at the floor again and started to get up to retreat back to your seat, but Maehara grabbed your wrist.

"W-Why are you going? You just got here." He said, confused.
"If there's nothing you want from me then I'll leave you guys alone." You replied coldly. This was a big problem with you, you never wanted to open up to anyone and never tried to act friendly towards people. You just kept to yourself all the time and never caused any trouble. This was mostly caused due to a fear of relying on another person too much. You just didn't want to hurt anyone or yourself.

"Ahh...(Y/N)- I just want to hang out with you, is that so wrong?" Maehara said with sad eyes. You felt...warm around him. You would get massive butterflies in your stomach whenever he was friendly towards you. But, since you were a cold kuudere, you stayed away and never let him or anyone else see your true emotions.

You couldn't allow it.

You silently sighed and brought a chair over to sit in. Maehara's face lit up and smiled at you. You couldn't give him a smile back, but your blush got more obvious.

"...So!" He suddenly shouted at you, "What're you doing after school today?"


"Oh cool! Can I work with you?"

The students around us chuckled a bit because they knew Maehara never did his work. Ever.

"No." You answered as the students laughed more and you heard a faint 'rejected!' come from one of them. But you didn't care. All you wanted was to be away from all of this attention.

"Could I at least walk home with you?" He asked. You were silent for a moment, but you nodded. After he saw that you had accepted, he gave you a cheerful smile.


At the end of the day, you were getting ready to leave, and almost headed out the door, but you were stopped by a certain player.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Aren't we gonna walk together?" He spoke as he faced you with another smile.

'Why does he always smile when he talks to me? It's weird.' You thought.

"Yeah. Let's get going." You said with your normal calm expression as Maehara followed you out the door.


It was silent for most of the time walking home with Maehara. You really wanted to keep a conversation going, and you could tell he wanted to too, but it didn't really happen.

"When are you going to start walking to your house?" You said coldly. His eyes widened and he replied, "S-Soon..."

You shrugged and kept walking. Your walking pace was very fast, mostly because you didn't want your mother to get mad at you for being late, but also because you really wanted to get away from this awkward silence.

"Hmm...I guess we live pretty close to each other!" He said with another smile.

"Why do you always have a big smile when you talk to me?" You say, suddenly facing him.

"I...uh..." He responded, obviously pretty nervous. You noticed his face was...red?

"I guess...I guess I just really like you. But..more than a friend. (Y/N), I think-I think I'm in love-"

"Yeah right." You cut him off, "You probably say that to every girl you've hooked up with."

"No, (Y/N)-" Maehara was cut off again, by you.

"Love isn't just putting your dick in someone, Maehara! Love...is when you care about your partner. When you want to do everything you can to make them happy, when you want to protect them no matter what. And why me out of all the other girls out there? There are so many prettier and more interesting girl's in our class-in our school! Compared to them...I...I'm nothing." You finished and looked down. You felt tears slide down you face and drop onto the ground. You were desperately trying to wipe them away. You looked up a bit and saw Maehara with a confused and concerned face. He looked...sad.

You then realized that you were pretty harsh towards him, so you apologized. "I'm...sorry for yelling at you like that. I should have controlled myself." You said calmly, putting on your 'cold mask'.

Suddenly, you felt him wrap his arms around you. Almost like he was protecting you.

"I should be the one who's sorry. I'm so sorry I made you feel this way. The truth is, you're special to me. The feelings I have towards you are different from all the other girl's I've ever dated. It doesn't matter if you're a bit different than everyone else," He slid his hands up to your face, making you look into his eyes, "You're perfect to me, (Y/N) (L/N)."

Your heart skipped a beat when he said that. And without thinking, your lips crashed onto his. He responded positively by kissing you back. Maehara's arms went back down to hug your waist, pulling you closer to him.

'Oh my god...he's such a good kisser!!!' You screamed in your head.

Seconds felt like decades, and it felt extremely good to be kissing the guy you loved.

When you both broke from the kiss, Maehara started to speak.

"So..." He started, "Are we a couple now?"



HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it!


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