[17] ☆ Karma x Forgotten!Fem!Reader: I Remember (1/2)

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You were a cheery person, and really loved too. The whole class 3-E (or was it E-3, soz can't remember) loved you, they treated you like they had known you for their whole life.
But that all changed when she came.

Your well known friend, (random girls name)'s grades suddenly dropped and she was transferred to the End class. She stole your spotlight. She became the new (y/n).

Everyone started paying their attention to her, leaving you to deal with your own problems. Leaving you sad and alone.
They used to comfort you when you cried, but now they ignore you. You just get blank stares now.

You thought that you were worthless, and that if you had died right on the spot, no one would care.
Even thought they weren't technically hurting you, you were still hurt by the cold shoulder everyone was giving you 24/7.

But there was one person who remembered you,

Karma Akabane.

He had always wanted to get close to you. He wanted to be the one you came to whenever you were sad. He loved you.
But he couldn't bring himself to talk to you, he would always blush heavily and awkwardly walk away.

You showed no signs of loving, or even liking him. Hell, you never showed it to anyone, not anymore at least.

Karma was so in love with you that he had hundreds of confession letters he would write, hoping maybe someday he would get the courage to actually confess.

Karma also did kinda follow you around, and it came to a point were Nagisa started to notice him.

"Karma-kun, what are you doing?" Nagisa asked and tilted his head as Karma stood, watching you from afar with a love letter held tightly in his hands.

"noTHING!" Karma yelled and accidentally threw the love letter in the air.

Nagisa caught it, and looked at it before asking,
"Who's (y/n)?" He asked and furrowed his eyebrows. Karma stood limply, giving Nagisa a cold stare.

"Tch." Was Karma's simple answer as he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked off somewhere.

"Karma-kun, wait!" Nagisa called after him and ran towards the boy. Karma growled under his breath and turned to face Nagisa. He glared at Nagisa with all his might and said lowly,
"I expected better from my friend." Nagisa's eyes widened, but Karma kept going on, raising his voice louder, and louder.
"Haven't you noticed her?! At all?! She spends her lunch crying! Crying for god's sake! But no one gives a fuck. Not one single fuck. You see her, but you don't do jack shit!" Karma said, forcefully making his hands into fists.

"Karma-kun please-" Nagisa pleaded, but Karma cut him off.
"Am I the only one who cares?" Karma said quietly, his voice cracking.
"Am I the only one who remembers her?" Karma finally looks up from his bangs, revealing small tears from his eyes.

He then ran off, leaving Nagisa upset and confused.


I then run off to the courtyard. Seeing a crowd of girls surrounding (friend's name) and (y/n) crying by a nearby tree. I then feel anger coursing through my veins.

"Do you not notice her?!" I screech. All of them look towards me, even (y/n).

"She's crying! Her eyes are bloodshot red! And do you guys help her?! No! You guys don't give two shits about her well being! You see her, but yet you don't try to acknowledge that she exists! Act like a fucking human being and simply ask if she's okay!" I yell at the crowd of girls. Most of them are dead terrified and a couple even left. I glance over my shoulder and see (y/n) will a small smile creeping up on her cute face.

"Listen, Karma, I don't know what's gotten into you but-" Nakamura replied back, but I cut her off.
"Me?! What's gotten into you?! Ever since Ms. Popular over there came along you guys completely erased (y/n) from your goddamn systems and put all your attention to her!" I yelled and pointed to (random girl's name), who was steaming with anger.

The crowd all glared at me and made their way to the classroom, while gossiping about how rude and 'annoying' I was. But the one who didn't leave right away was (R/G/N).

"You didn't have to barge in like that." She spat at me. My glare at her just got darker.
"Well maybe you can tell your army of backstabbers to actually help one of our classmates when they are upset." And with that, she walked off.

But when she looked back, I took this opportunity to flip her off.

As I turned around to the tree (y/n) was at, I noticed that she wasn't there. I look around for a bit, and see that she's walking off the school property.

"(Y/n), wait!" I yelled after her. She stops in her tracks and turns to face me.
"Oh, Karma-kun." She replies simply. As I try to catch my breath, I managed to push out,
"Can I walk you home?" I ask. She turns her face a little bit and blushes, but nods at the same time.

As we walk, she stops, so I stop with her. It's silent for a few moments when she speaks up.

"Karma, can I tell you something?" She asks and looks up at me. I nod.
"Well, um...I think-no- I....I-I like you." She finally says and bows her head down in embarrassment.
I blush, but take this opportunity to kiss her.

The kiss was short but very sweet at the same time.

"I've been waiting for you to say that."


Sorry if there's grammar mistakes, half of this was written at night and it wasn't edited.

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